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Friday, January 25, 2013

Do You Know What Catfishing Is?

Catfishing is a new term used to describe an internet love affair in which one of the parties of the love affair is lying to deceive the other one for the purpose of getting money or just tricking the other one. It almost happened to me a few months ago. I met this Italian guy on line and he was supposed to be relocating from Rome Italy to San Francisco California. Well, we didn't even chat that long before he was talking about moving in together and starting this life together. So, he was scheduled to arrive in San Francisco like on April 19th. So April 18th he sends me a message and he's all excited about his flight. So, the 19th comes and goes and I dont hear anything from him. I let the next 10 days go by because I could really care less if he came or not. He was a smoker and not that good looking to begin with. hahahaha On April 29th I email him and ask if he is in SF or what's up? I get a response back on the 30th. He claims that he just got out of the hospital and that he was living with his mother now. Because on the 19th when he went out of the terminal to smoke for the last time, some guy came down the street and bumped into him with a pallet breaking his leg. And when he tried to board the plane, they stopped him because his leg was bleeding. WTF? I almost fell off my chair laughing so hard. Is that a bullshit story or what? So I told him to take a pic of him holding a newspaper or a piece of paper with today's date written on it. Do you know what? He got mad at me for not believing his BS story! HAH! My mama didn't raise no fools. He didn't know who he was playing with. hahahaha What he should have said, was that he was crossing the street going to the terminal and one of those little fiat type cars ran a light hitting him and breaking his leg. Now that's a lie I could see actually happening in Italy. Where they drive like maniacs ALL OF THE TIME. When I was there in 1998, a friend and his lover was showing me around and in the span of just 4hrs, he had 2 minor accidents. When you tell such an obvious and blatant lie, it calls into question every other thing  you ever said also. So the female friend in SF that he was going to be staying with and possibly marrying for a green card. LIE. I might have played along a little longer, but I was done with him. I had become suspicious earlier because he never sent me any nude pics. And I stopped asking after 3 times. Never trust a gay man who doesn't have a dick pic. hahahaha Gay men are so proud of their junk even if it is just 3 inches. hahahahaha

Yesterday, Dr. Phil had a case where this former Marine had met this chick on line and after 5 years, this couple had NEVER met face to face, but had become engaged over the phone. WTF? It's just so sad that there are lonely and desperate people in the world who get scammed by predators over the internet. Yeap, that's right folks, this guy, fell in love with this chick who claimed to have leukemia and was too ill to meet this guy. And over the years he claims he has sent her $5,000.00 to help her out with various things like rent, brakes on her car, medications, etc. However, this Marine's mother thinks the real amount of money that her sent the chick is closer to $20,000.00. OMG! Can I meet him on online? Or one like him? hahahahaha  Oh and this guy is HOT! He is a really good looking guy with a nice body. Very clean cut and yuppie looking. Normally, I dont like Dr. Phil too much, but sometimes, he is on the money! And in this case, he made a proposition to the chick, who they had on the phone during the last couple of segments of the episode. Dr. Phil asked the woman if she would finally meet the Marine face to face and Dr. Phil would send a camera crew along with the Marine to document the meeting. She agreed at first but after that call, she phoned the producer and backed out. Oh so, the proposition was either for the chick to admit that she had scammed the Marine and they would just drop it and call it a day. OR, if she wanted to stick with her story and continue to scam the Marine with no proof, the Marine and Dr. Phil would press charges of fraud against her and track her down for prosecution. So since she cancelled the face to face meeting with the Marine, I think it's going to be the latter. hahahaha I really feel sorry for the Marine because he has invested so much time and money into this chick and clearly she is lying and scamming him. I hope the Marine takes some real responsibility and gets some help for himself so that this doesn't happen to him again in the future. I say it all of the time, people treat you how you let them treat you. If I met someone on line, and if I drove 3 hrs to meet them and then they cancelled at the last mile, I would hunt them down and beat the shit out of them. hahahaha You can't play a player! hahahaha
And this Marine is NO PLAYER! hahahaha He is just a gullible young fool. A fool and his money are soon parted! I guess his mother didn't teach him that one. My mom taught me that one. hahahaha

Manti Te'o is a fool too. He is the college football player that just found out he had been catfished too. However in his case, I think he was in on the scam. Because at first he was claiming to have met his gf at Stanford after a football game. But later he claims that he never met his gf at all but only lied about it because he didn't want people to think he was crazy for falling in love with a woman he never met face to face. Hmmm lying about when and where you met your gf or lying about having an imaginary gf is just LYING! And if you have an imaginary gf THAT makes you CRAZY!!! Adults dont have IMAGINARY FRIENDS! Well at least not the SANE ones. hahahahaha

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