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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Richard Gere and Wife Carey Lowell Call It Quits!

This is not shocking at all, what is shocking is that it lasted as long as it did. Richard Gere and his wife of 11 yrs call it quits. Apparently the 2 have been living apart for some time, but have decided to end the marriage now. Some media reports are blaming it on the fact that Richard is a Buddhist and home body and his wife Carey Lowell, former Assistant DA on the original Law and Order. Personally, I think they are both gay and have been each other's "cover ups". And now, one of them has a new lover and wants to end it so that they can marry this new person. Only time will tell if I am correct. hahahahaha

Bartender Murdered After Night of Binge Drinking With Friends

This is really shocking and so senseless. Cori Desmond was a bartender down in Southern California and after getting off work on Valentine's Day, a Saturday night in 2008, she went to the BAC Bar to drink with friends and party. This was a fatal mistake that Cori would not live to regret. First let me say that NO ONE has a right to take another person's life. But if you get drunk and go walking the streets at 2:30am in the morning, you are just asking for trouble in my opinion. Especially, if you are a female. I am a dude and it only took one time for me to learn that no good happens after dark. I had just left a bar in San Francisco and it was like 2am or so. I was walking to the bus stop so that I could go to the Transbay Terminal and catch a bus back to Oakland when a woman walking by asked me for money and I said "fuck you bitch, I don't have any money for you" then out of no where this dude steps out of the shadows of this building and grabs my arm and says, "give her some money mother fucker". So I kicked him in his groin and broke free of his grip and ran the fastest I have ever run in my life. Luckily for me, by the time I reached the corner of the next block, a bus came and I jumped on it and got away. I was just 19yrs old and I could have become a statistic, like Cori. Thank God I didn't.
But getting back to Cori, on that fateful Saturday night, when Cori left BAC Bar she had a blood alcohol content of 0.35; nearly 5 times the legal limit of 0.08. Now that explains why she walked past the dark street where she had parked her jeep, but it does not explain why she didn't call a cab and go home. Or call her dad to come and get her. So Cori walks another couple of blocks past her car to another bar where a friend of hers worked but was denied entry because it was after 2am and that was that bar's policy not to allow anyone into the bar after 2am. I don't understand, why Cori didn't text her friend and tell her she was coming or text her friend and say, hey, I'm outside your bar tell them to let me in or come out and get me? But it probably wouldn't have done her any good, because her friend had already left work. However, if she had texted her friend, she would have texted her back and told her she was at home amd to come on over or something. Anyway, shortly after Cori was denied entry to the bar where her friend worked, she was attacked and murdered in the street, by a guy who had been drinking at the BAC Bar where she had just come from. The police call it a stranger killing, but I think otherwise. I think this guy Tony Lopez Perez was a regular at the BAC Bar and Cori was definitely a regular there and maybe he had developed a crush on her. She was not an employee of that bar, but she often would help temd bar with her friends at the bar. There is just something about bar tenders, that makes them very sexy and alluring. And I think that is why Tony Perez followed Cori out of the bar and waited for the right moment b4 he approached her and subsequently attacked and killed her. He then put her body in his SUV and went home and went to bed with his live in girlfriend Tiffany Ware. The next day, Tony goes to work and then after work he wraps Cori's lifeless body in black trash bags and drives up in the San Bernadino Mountains and dumps her body down a ravine like a bag of trash. So cold! He then goes and buys a bunch of cleaning items and details his car. Which was very strange to his girlfriend, Tiffany, because he had NEVER done it before.
So the police exhaust all clues and have no suspects and the case goes cold. But Cori's dad is not having it. So he keeps the case alive in the media and buys space on several billboards in the area where his daughter was last seen asking for tips from the public. One of those billboards was near Tony and Tiffany's apt. So 8 months after the murder Tiffany calls in a tip to police, giving her bfs name as a possible suspect in the case. So now police are looking for Tony Perez, but there are thousands of them in Southern California. Several more months go by and Tony trades in his Dodge Durango for a Ford Expedition when he had just 2 car payments left on it, which again sent up red flags to his girlfriend. Who trades in a late model car with 2 payments left for another late model car with many payments on it? Then on a trip to the San Bernadino Mountains, with Tony, he stops and points out an area on the same road where Cori's body was found, and laments to his gf ,"I wonder if that is where they found that girl's body?" Again, red flags go up to Tiffany about Tony. First of all they've never taken a trip to the mountains b4 and why would bring up the fact that this is where they found a dead body on top of it. So again, Tiffany calls the tip line and this time she speaks directly to one of the detectives working the case. And this time she agrees to meet with him in person. She does and subsequently, she tells the police about the white durango her bf traded in and all of her other suspicions about Tony's strange behavior since the murder. Tony is subsequently brought in for questioning. At first Tony denies having met or seen Cori that night. Then he says he may have whistled at her when he saw her walking down the street. Then he says he found her unconscious in the street under a street light. Then he says he found her dead under the street light and he just panicked because he was drunk and he thought he would be blamed for her death. And that's why he moved her body. So the police take him to the street where he claims he found her and re enacts the event. And during that re enactment, when one of the detectives lays on the ground, and Tony is showing them how he shook Cori and tried to wake her up, Tony grabs the detective by the throat and starts choking the detective. Which surprises the detective. Next they take Tony to the spot in San Bernadino Mtns where CorI's body was found and have him re-enact how he dumped her body down the ravine, and that is where he finally admits that he killed her. Tony is subsequently convicted of Cori's murder and is now serving 25yrs to life for it.
So the moral of this story is, 1. don't get stinking drunk and wander down the streets at 2am in the morning, 2. if you do get drunk at 2am, call a cab and go straight home or call a friend or parent to come get you. 3. Nothing good happens after dark! (Statistically, many bad crimes happen between 11pm and 5am. ) 4. The year is 2013, NOT 1813, LOCK YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS! DO NOT GET DRUNK AND WALK THE STREETS AT NIGHT! USE COMMON SENSE WHEN YOU GO OUT PARTYING OR OUT TO DINNER. DO NOT TWEET YOUR LOCATION  EVERY SECOND OF EVERY MINUTE.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Honey Gate", German Company Indicted on Buying Chinese Honey and Passing It off as Korean Honey

Americans consume more honey than anyone else in the world, nearly 400 million pounds every year. About half of that is used by food companies in cereals, bread, cookies, and all sorts of other processed food. Some 60 percent of the honey is imported from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, and other trading partners. Almost none comes from China. After U.S. beekeepers accused Chinese companies of selling their honey at artificially low prices, the government imposed import duties in 2001 that as much as tripled the price of Chinese honey. Since then, little enters from China legally.

There is a German Company called ALW (named after its founder Alfred L. Wolff Company) and it imports honey from around the world and sells it to other companies here in the USA for manufacturing. The scam is in the buying of honey that originates in China and importing it to India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, Mongolia, and South Korea and then filtering it and relabeling it from Chinese honey as the country of Origin to one of the ones I just named. I am so glad that US Customs agents were on their J O B and got suspicious about six shipping containers that were destined for ALW customers and that arrived from China but were labeled Korean White Honey. And they alerted authorities of the deception. And that is what sparked this investigation back 2006. Yeah! Personally, I don't think I want to consume honey that comes fro China. Honey is partially digested plant nectar that is regurgitated from Bees and Bees use it as a food source in the winter when other food sources are low. I once saw a news story that incorrectly stated that honey is Bee saliva, well that's not 100% true. hahahahaha Anyway, a couple of Jr Executives at ALW and the CEO of ALW along with a Chinese honey broker have been indicted in this case which is an $80 million dollar food fraud case according to Assistant US Attorney Andrew Boutros in Chicago. This is the largest food fraud case in US History, to date.

Chinese Beverage Companies Buy Rotten Fruit to Make Juice!

Wow, this is just so disgusting I think I threw up in my mouth a couple of times while reading this story on Yahoo News. Two Chinese Beverage companies are accused of buying rotten fruit to make juice and cut production costs. China Huiyuan Juice Group, Ltd and China Haisheng Juice Holdings Co Ltd are the 2 companies in question. The China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) is running the investigation but so far did not find any rotten fruit when they made inspections at the 2 companies. Duh! They knew you were coming and got rid of it! Hello! I am just shocked that a company would do that to their consumers. Rotten fruit is going to make rotten tasting juice! EWWWW!!! If I ever bought a juice and it tasted funny, I would NEVER buy that brand of juice again.DUH!! That's a no brainer! There are just too many brands on the market to mess around and deal with a bad tasting one. Brisk for example, makes some really good fruit punch and lemonade. There is also, good day orange drink which tastes just like Tang to me. There is also, Tang, Walmart has that in stock always. I could go on, but I think you get the idea. hahahaha I think I'm going to have to take China off of my "bucket list". They seem to have way too many food problems lately and they also still have way too many diseases over there also. Sigh!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Don't Go See The Butler, It is MOSTLY LIES!

Now I love a good movie especially when it is based on real life events. Sometimes those are more interesting than the completely fictional Hollywood movies. However, in this case, The Butler which was purported to be based on the life of Eugene Allen, who worked as a butler in the White House under several presidents. The only true life fact is just that, he was a butler and worked in the White House for 34 years. Every thing else in the movie is 100 % FICTION! He was married, but NOT to an alcoholic wife. He did have a son, but his son was NOT a militant criminal type. Eugene did quit being a butler, but did not quit because of a dispute with President Regan over apartheid. Personally, I think working at the White House under all of those Presidents is a good enough story to tell. Albeit a little boring, you can only tell so many funny anecdotes about Presidential late night snacks of tuna on whole wheat with pickles , yellow onions and peanut butter. hahahaha So I will NOT be going to see this movie. It is a bunch of bullshit! I think I am just tired of seeing black people being serving rude ass white people. And suffering daily indignities at the hands of their racist employers.

This Is Still 2013 Right?

Okay, I was watching the my local news last night and I saw a story on there that really just pissed me off!!! It was about these 2 sisters, both well into their 50s and they were traveling back home to Southern Calif from visiting relatives up north. And they had just gassed up at a Gas station and then went next door to a KFC/A&W restaurant. While in the restaurant, someone jumped into their minivan and drove taking their 2 Yorkies along with it. What pisses me off is that first of all, they left the keys in the ignition. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is STILL 2013, right? Why on earth would you leave your keys in the ignition with the doors unlocked and go inside of a business more than 20 feet from your car? You might as well as just put a big old sign on the car and say TAKE ME! I feel sorry for them that their dogs were taken, but I feel MORE sorry for the dogs because it is 100% the sister's fault! If you want to be lazy and stupid, you don't deserve to own dogs. That is $4,000.00 right out the door. And another thing is, on the video, you can see them being followed by another car from the gas station to the KFC. The other car did not get gas. It follows them to the gas station, then waits for them to fill up and then follows them to the KFC. You have to be vigilant at ALL TIMES when you are out. There are too many desperate people out there looking for opportunities to rob or harm you. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Stop giving thieves and killers free range into your homes and cars. LOCK YOUR DOORS, TAKE YOUR CAR KEYS WITH YOU AND STOP BEING DUMBASSES!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Former WBC Heavy Weight Champ Ken Norton Sr Dead at 70

Ok this is shocking and a bonafide mystery. But former WBC Heavy Weight Champ Ken Norton Sr died yesterday from an undisclosed cause in a Vetran's Hospital in Las Vegas Nevada. He was just 70 years old. The mystery is the cause of death. I've read a couple of articles on his death and even checked but no cause of death is listed. I wonder why? Ken was one of the greats too, he even beat the legendary Muhammed Ali in 1973 in split decision fight. He was awarded the WBC heavy weight title in 1978 when Leon Spinks refused to fight him and fought Muhammed Ali instead. He is survived by his children. Rest in Peace Ken.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Simon Cowell Has Affair With Best Friend's Wife in Best Friends Bedroom!

By now everyone knows that Simon Cowell has a new girlfriend and she is expecting his baby. And that the girlfriend Lauren Silverman is Simon Cowell's best friends soon to be ex-wife. But what I didn't know and a lot of other's apparently is that Simon's best friend Andrew came home from work one day and found Simon naked in Andrew's bedroom with Andrew's wife. Is that low down and dirty or what? Cheating is one thing, but cheating in the marital bed is absolutely disgusting! But betrayal is betrayal and Simon is as low as they come. Hasn't he ever heard of Bros b4 hos? And Lauren is definitely a HO! I wonder what Andrew did to her to make her cheat on him with his best friend?

Perfect Polly is Perfectly Retarded!

I love a good infomercial, but this product is such a crap of shit. That I just have to comment on it. Have you seen it? It comes on late at night while I'm watching reruns of Perry Mason, one of the greatest TV Lawyers of all time. hahahahaha Anyway, the Perfect Polly is a fake parakeet that sits on a perch and is motion activated. When someone walks by or waves an arm, the bird will turn its head and chirp. It also wags its tail feathers. YAWN! Big whoop! It used to cost $14.99 which is $14.98 too much. This is absolutely the most stupidest fake ass bird and its not even being marketed as a toy. In the infomercial they say, "It's the perfect pet without the mess". This is not a pet! It's a block of wood painted to look like a parakeet. A pet is a living breathing animal! At least they have dropped the price to just $10.00 which is $9.99 too much in my opinion. hahahahaha

Sunday, September 15, 2013

DeeJay Mister Cee of HOT97FM in NYC is a Lying Sack of Shit!

Okay, if you are a regular reader of my blog, then you know I call them as I see them. And I just happened upon this article on Yahoo about this famous DeeJay, Mister Cee from HOT 97 in NY. He was arrested AGAIN for the 3rd time soliciting an undercover transgendered {(sic), his term} police officer. However, he claims he is not gay! WTF! Look once or twice and MAYBE you could get away with calling it being curios, but 3 times baby, you are undercover fag! PERIOD! Now in this latest article, Mister Cee finally admits to liking to have sex with men dressed as women and he calls them transgendered. First of all that is NOT a transgendered person, that is a transvestite fool! A man who enjoys dressing as a woman is a TRANSVESTITE! A transgendered person is someone who thinks he or she was born in the wrong body and goes through the process of changing his/her body from one sex to the other. This is also known as sexual reassignment or sex change. Chastity Bono is a transgendered female, who underwent sexual reassignment surgery to become a male. But a man in a dress and a wig is a TRANSVESTITE! Get your terms correct. I also listened briefly to an interview Mister Cee did with his station manager, I could only listen to about 10mins of it. Because that's about all I could stomach of it. You were double talking and dodging and ducking questions like a kid with his hand caught in the candy jar. You need to be honest with yourself first and with the public second because you are a public figure. I knew you were gay as soon as you said 3 words. My gaydar panged! hahahaha I was watching this video on YouTube about Five Star, and it was an update on where the group is today. And I was not surprised to see that Stedman had been arrested for solicitation in a public restroom, just like you. Stedman was the brother in the group who always work shiny lip gloss. hahahaha I KNEW he was gay, my gaydar PANGED with him too. hahahaha Get it together Miss Cee. hahahaha Just be who you are and nothing else. No one cares if you are gay or str8, but lying about being gay when we know you are gay pisses us off. Honesty is ALWAYS the BEST policy.

Congratulations Go Out to Several Celebrity Couples Who Married Recently!

Wow, have you noticed how there are a lot of celebrities getting married and or having children? Well here are a few more names to add those long and growing lists. Actress Zoe Saldana (35 yrs old) secretly wed some Italian Artist guy, named Marco Perego (34 yrs old), back in June 2013, but the news just now came to light.
Also married this week were Singer John Legend and his long time model girlfriend Chrissy Teigen on Lake Cuomo in Italy. Wow, a destination wedding, so nice. John also performed "All of Me" which he wrote about his wife. Good Luck! Chrissy wore a gorgeous Vera Wang ballgown to the ceremony and then changed into a 2nd Vera Wang gown for the recption. They were married yesterday Sept 14th.

NBA star Lebron James marries high school sweetheart, Savannah Brinson on Sat in San Diego Calif. The couple has been together since they were 16yrs old and have 2 children together. So now, Savannah is no longer a baby's mama. hahahaha Good Job gurl. Congratulations and good luck. hahahaha

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Liar Liar Pants on Fire! XFactor Contestant is a Professional Singer!

Wow, the bs has started already and they are only 2 shows into the new season. On night 1 of Season 3 of Xfactor, we were all blown away by the 54 yr old grandmother named Lillie McCloud. Well, lie #1 is her name is not Lillie, it's Nicole. And Lie #2 is Lillie/Nicole is real life professional singer who has released several solo albums, has had high charting singles and dance numbers and has performed with the likes of Mick Jagger and Michael Jackson. WTF! This all came to light because her stupid daughter tweeted about her mom using the mom's real name, Nicole. So go to YouTube and you can watch Nicole perform several of her top songs. I hate liars! What she should have done was come on the show and said that she had a career but it fizzled out after awhile and now she is trying to make a comeback. I say kick the bitch off the show! Good riddance!

Famed Celebrity Event Planner David Tutera and Ex Plan to Raise Twins Separately

If you are a regular reader of my blog, then you know that Famed Event Planner and host of My Fair Wedding David Tutera is going through a NASTY divorce with his husband Ryan Jurica. David and Ryan have been married for 10yrs but just recently delivered fraternal twins, ( a boy and a girl) by surrogate. The children are biologically theirs, the boy is Ryan's son and the girl is David's daughter. Ryan also has another son from a previous relationship. Ryan has taken his children and moved to Connecticut. David is still in Los Angeles. So they have decided to raise the children separately but promise that the children will have a relationship with each other. It sounds like things have calmed down between the 2 fathers. Earlier in the divorce proceedings both were making wild accusations about the other cheating and having sex addictions with tricks from the Internet and etc. I hope they can work it out for the sake of the children. Good luck fellas.

Kanye West Charged In July Brawl With Paps

Kanye West got off really lucky in this incident, because he was charged with 2 misdemeanors and not 2 felonies in the July 19 LAX incident with Paps, Daniel Ramos. Had Ramos been seriously injured, Kanye would be facing the felonies. Of course, that didn't stop Ramos from hiring famed LA Attorney Gloria Allred the queen of the settlements. hahahaha I wonder when was the last time Gloria actually tried a case in court? She is very good at filing but usually settles out of court for fat checks. hahahaha Ramos's suit is seeking damages for assault, battery, negligence and violation of civil rights. Personally, I have seen the video and I don't know how many times Kanye told Ramos to stop talking to him but if I had to guess it was at least 5 or 6 times. And that's the thing, I don't get, when does Kanye's civil rights end and the paps's take precedents? I think Kanye's civil rights are just as important as the civil rights of the paps. And if Kanye says, I am not granting interviews or stop asking me questions, the paps should respect that and not talk to him. Besides, you're a paps not a real reporter. So just take your pictures and do NOT try to interview him! Ramos is lucky that I wont be on his jury if it goes to trial. Because he would get very little in the way of a settlement. And if I were Kanye, I would get a restraining order against Ramos. So that Ramos cannot annoy Kanye again in the future. Kanye's arraignment is set for October 10 and he is facing 6 mos in jail for each count, if he is convicted. Good Luck Kanye, and next time hire a big body guard and let him punch out the rude ass paps. hahahahaha

Friday, September 13, 2013

MM's Has Gone CRAY CRAY and Added a Pumpkin Spice MM to the Mix. YUCK!

I don't know about you, but I am a purist when it comes to my candy and for MMs. I just like the chocolate centers. Sometimes, on a rare occasion I like the peanut butter ones; but VERY rarely! So now I am pissed off at MMs for making a pumpkin spice one. EWWWW! What the HELL were they thinking? I am NOT a fan of everything pumpkin! YUCK! Makes me gag just to think about it. hahahahaha

Texas Man Proposes to Woman After Knowing Her for Just 7 Days! I See This Couple as a Future Episode of Who the Bleep Did I Marry!

Wow! Are you serious? This story is just so shocking and so absolutely STUPID! This woman in Oklahoma is cruising the personal ads for a man and she lands on a profile of a man in Texas wearing a cowboy hat. The woman is 31 yr old Stephanie Nixon. The man is 38yr old John Morgan. They bragged about how they talked on the phone for 9hrs the first day they met and then the 2nd day they drove halfway between their homes and met a lake and how they haven't been apart since that day. Both driving back and forth to see each other. Each has 3 kids from previous relationships. So it's kind of like a modern day Brady Bunch. But unlike the make believe Brady Bunch Family, this is real life and people are often NOT what they seem. So after 7 days of this back and forth, John texts Stephanie a radio station's call numbers. And then tells her to pull over and answer her phone when this random number calls her. It is the DJ from that radio station and he asks Stephanie if she will marry John and she says Yes. Wow! How desperate are these 2? Things like this don't happen anymore, and turn out okay. I remember a recent episode of "Who the Bleep Did I Marry?" When this woman meets this guy at a coffee shop and they start dating and soon marry. And the guy tells her he's going to handle all of the bills including the mortgage on her house. And he also tells her not to open the mail, and he will handle it all. BIG mistake! Years go by and then all of a sudden the man gets arrested for fraud. For running some scam on a baseball camp he set up, and he defrauded the parents of the children at his camp. Well, now the woman starts opening her mail only to find out that her house in foreclosure, her utility bills are thousands of dollars past due. And she has just one month to pay the delinquent mortgage in full or lose the house. And, her husband is not who he says he is. The police arrested him using an alias that he gave them and her, but that is NOT his real name. And he refuses to give it to them. So Stephanie, please PLEASE DO NOT MARRY this man until you have a private detective check him out and you have the FBI and Home Land Security run his prints and DNA. If not, I think I will see you on a future episode of Who the Bleep Did I Marry or worst yet, maybe Dateline because you were murdered by your new husband.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Golden Boy Oscar De La Hoya Enters Rehab AGAIN!

Wow, where was I the first time he went into Rehab? Oscar De La Hoya has entered rehab again for alcoholism. De La Hoya has been struggling with this disease for some time. But only admitted to having a problem about 2 yrs ago which was the first time he went to rehab. De La Hoya has also previously admitted to abusing drugs. Oscar will miss the Mayweather/ Alvarez fight this weekend that his company is promoting. But in a statement released on Tues, says that he talked with Alvarez and Alvarez understood that Oscar needs to deal with his heath first. Oscar must be tripping really bad because he thinks Alvarez is going to beat Mayweather. HAH! You really must be high! Mayweather is going to beat the shit out of Alvarez, I just hope Alvarez has a good medical insurance. hahahahaha 'Cause he's gonna need a good doctor on Sat night. LOL

Congratulations to Mario Lopez on the Birth of His Son!

Aww this is really a nice story. Mario Lopez and his wife, Courtney, on the birth of their son Dominic. Dominic weight 7 lbs and 2 oz at birth. This is the 2nd child for the couple, they have a 3 yr old daughter, Gia. So now the have the perfect family, one of each. hahahaha Good Luck to Mario and his family. They make such a cute family unit.

Bride Takes Vows, Til Death Us Do Part To A Whole New Level And Murders Husband

Jordan Linn Graham had only been married for just 8 days but was having second thoughts about the marriage. So she and her husband were having a discussion about her regrets which turned into an argument. Next they decide to to go to the Glacier National Park and take a walk on the Loop Trail. Big mistake, because their argument continued and escalated and so the wife pushes her husband, Cody Lee Johnson 25 yrs old off a cliff face first. Wow, now that is really low down and dirty. At first Jordan lied about what happened to her husband, telling police that he had driven off with a friend to go to the Loop Trail to drive fast and talk. I think what messed things up for her, was 2 months after the murder, she was the one to find the body and told a Park Ranger where it was. She then was brought in for a 2nd interview and this time she confessed to the murder. What a dumb ass! Just get a divorce! Now her dumb ass is going to prison! Hey Jordan, how's that working out for you?

Monday, September 9, 2013

"Love and War" by Tamar Braxton

Have you heard this song b4? I was lucky enough to see Tamar perform this song, "Love and War" on the Wendy Williams show months ago and she blew it out the water! Who knew Tamar could sing better than her sister Toni. hahahahaha And in this song, her vocals are just amazing. Talk about perfect pitch! This woman is wearing it out! You can purchase this song on or Itunes. It's is well worth the $1.29. Good job Tamar!!!

2013 Toronto International Film Festival

Wow, Toronto was so lucky to have held this event on Sept 7 2013. Everyone who is anyone with a movie coming out or just released was at this event. Brad Pitt, Kate Winslet, Hugh Jackman, Alfre Woodard, Susan Sarandon, Colin Hanks, Nicole Kidman, etc etc just to name a few. Have you ever noticed that a lot of the celebrities have big giant bobble heads on littel teenie tiny bodies? For example, this actress that I've never even heard of, Vanessa Paradis who stars in "Fading Gigolo" looks like a 12 yr old boy in some very bad drag. She has a GIANT head on a very petite body, but she has very muscular legs and arms and no boobs. And she is wearing this strapless cocktail dress which has a very deep V from the top of the dress all the way down to the waist band. But she has zero cleavage! I know they are holding her dress closed with some double stick tape. hahahaha Clive Owen is another star who has the big giant head on a 14yr  old's body. Where are they finding these people? hahahaha I think you must have a giant head to become a movie star so that your facial features don't get lost on the giant screens. hahahaha Well good luck to all of you, and I hope your movies do well when they come out later this year. I am really looking forward to seeing Hugh Jackman's new movie "Prisoners" with Jake Gyllenhaal. Two hotties! I never get tired of looking at pretty men. hahahaha

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Floyd Mayweather Jr is HELL of Rich But Still a MORON!

If you are a fan of my blog, you have seen other stories about Floyd Mayweather Jr, the boxer. In my last post about Floyd, I was talking about how stupid he was to be carrying around a bag with $1 million in cash with him and his entourage. Well Yahoo had a new article on yesterday and I was just blown away. Floyd has a SINGLE bank account with all of his money in it. How much money does he have? He has upwards of $123 million in a SINGLE bank account. Why do I keep harping on the single bank account? Well because the Federal Reserve only insures deposit bank accounts for $250,000.00. So if you have millions of dollars in a single bank account and that bank goes belly up, all that the Federal Reserve will reimburse you is a lousy $250,000.00 from the millions that you lost!!! And THAT is why Floyd is a MORON! He should multiple bank accounts in multiple banks and then every month move some money from one bank to another so that your accounts don't go on the inactive list. And PLEASE STOP carrying around the million in cash!!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Congratulations It's a Girl!

Congratulations to R&B Singer Monica and her NBA Player husband Shannon Brown on the birth of their daughter Laiyah Shannon. This is the first child for the couple, but Monica has 2 sons from a previous relationship. Shannon is so happy about the birth that he tweeted, "my joy has been restored to my life" awww is that sweet. Best of luck to you all.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Update on Chinese Boy Whose Eyes Were Gouged Out By Unknown Woman

Damn! This story is just so sad and it keeps getting worst! Chinese Police now say the unknown woman who gouged out the 6yr old Guo Bin, nickname Bin Bin, was his aunt. WTF! After hours and hours of questioning by the police, the aunt committed suicide by jumping in to the well on her property. Damn! That's just fucked up. Now we will never know why she did it. Some people claim that the aunt and the boys parent's were feuding, but her husband denies that. The husband also claims that his wife was having some serious mental issues. According to him, she talked about an "old woman's voice" that was in her head telling her to do things. Wow, really? Sounds to me like this chick was a whackadoo and need some serious time on the funny farm. So it seems like the police are now dropping the whole case. I don't think they should because Bin Bin has never named his aunt as the assailant. The police say they found Bin Bin's blood on his aunt's clothes. But I don't think they should count on that as being definitive proof that she did it. Maybe she found him in the field and then the voice in her head told her to go home and get help and then she got too confused to help. According to the first reports, when Bin Bin was asked who did it? He said, it was a bleached blond woman who spoke with a different accent from their city. Later on at the hospital, he changed his story and said that it was a bleached blond woman who spoke with the same accent as him. Poor kid! At least some of the people who have heard about this story in the news have sent gifts and money to help this kid. I just wish his parents would tell him that he is blind for the rest of his life. Bin Bin was quoted as asking his mother, "mama, why is the sky still so dark?", awww, that just breaks my heart! So sad. Death was too good for his aunt! (If she is indeed the assailant.) I want to dig her up and beat the shit out of her a few times. Whoever did this deserves to be burned alive at the stake like they did in olden times. hahahaha

Lamar Odom Checks Into Rehab! FINALLY!!!

This is just the best news EVER! hahaha Lamar Odom has checked into a rehab facility for drugs and alcohol. I sure hope he stays there for at least 90 to 120 days and gets ths help he so desperately needs! I am praying for him and Khole. They make such a cute couple. Good luck Lamar!

South Korea Creates Folding Electric Car Called the Armadillo-UNSAFE!!!

First of all this is a really stupid idea for a car. I mean honestly, why would you want a car that folds in half? South Korea has really lost it on this one. This new Armadillo car looks similar to a VW Bug only not as pushed out in the back and more bubbly on top and in the front. Once you park this car, you get out of the half door and then you send a command from your smart phone to the car and the back half folds up and over the front of the car kind of like a giant clam in one of those cartoons. Here are my issues with this. So now the back wheels are up in the air and underneath the car in the middle are 2 stalks that drop down and it doesn't look like they have wheels attached. So can someone please tell me, if another Armadillo cars comes and parks behind yours while it is closed. How are you going to get your car out of the parking spot? You can't open it because it is now blocked in. You can't get inside of your car, because the back half now blocks the doors. So you are stuck until the other person comes and moves his car. The only way this car would be a good idea is is if you only parked it on a diagonal. That way once closed you could cannot be blocked in. Another of the drawbacks is that this car can only do a top speed of 37 mph. So at that speed it is not freeway worthy. However, that is not the biggest drawback. The BIGGEST drawback to this car is that it is NOT safe when it comes to car crashes. OUCH! That's not good at all! If I die in a crash, that's going to ruin my day for sure. Don't you think?  HAHAHAHA At least it comes in a nice blue and silver 2 tone color. hahahaha

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Convicted Rapist and Child Molester Ariel Castro Found Hanged in Cell. YEAH!!!

This was a really good piece of news! That low down and dirty dog, Ariel Castro the "monster" who kidnapped 2 children and 1 young woman in Ohio and then held them for 10 + years was found hanging in his cell in an Ohio Jail. I say good riddance to bad rubbish. Castro plead guilty to some 900 plus counts of rape, kidnapping, assault etc and received life plus 1000 years, which means they will be digging him up again and again for the next 1000 years! Which is not enough. Death was too good for him. I wanted him to get gang raped in prison and to get tortured like he tortured those poor women over the  years. It is presumed that he hanged himself, but if not, who cares. That piece of shit is dead and in hell where he belongs. What pisses me off the most about him and his lying ass ways is that he blamed an addiction on pornography for the reason as to why he committed the crimes he committed. Was he serious? That is SUCH BULLSHIT! Why do men always blame porn or a sex addiction for their nasty dirty ways!? Porn didn't turn you into a child molester! Porn didn't make you a rapist! Porn didn't make you a kidnapper and porn definitely DID NOT MAKE YOU  A MURDERER!!! YOU did that! You and your sick demented mind! For once in your life, you had the chance to stand up and be a man and take responsibility for the horrible crimes that you perpetrated and once again you failed. Now burn in that lake of fire in hell you biatch!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Universal Studios Florida Kicks Man Out of Park For Wearing The Wrong Tshirt

Now this is downright retarded. And if I were the family in this story, I would sue Universal Studios. Christian Jarosz, his wife and daughter were at Universal Studios in Orlando Florida to attend the Blue Man Group Concert and Christian was wearing a Tshirt given to him by his brother who is a NYPD Police officer. I know what you are thinking...AND? And is that the tshirt has "Police Crime Street Unit" written across the chest. Christian is not a police officer. Universal claims it has a policy not to allow civillians to wear tshirts that might confuse other theme park goers. Christian offered to go buy another shirt so that they could attend the concert in peace, but the security refused and told him he could be arrested if he did not leave the park. WTF! Are you serious? Why wasn't he allowed to turn the shirt inside out or go buy a new shirt? This is really retarded and those security personel should should be fired. They WWAAAYYYY overstepped! I agree that he shouldn't be wearing a Police Tshirt if he is not a police officer, in that situation. However, it is JUST a tshirt, and not every thing written on a Tshirt is the gospel. Give me a fucking break! At least Universal fully refunded their costs for the Blue Man Group, but I think it is messed up that they were denied that experience of seeing them live. They really do put on a great show! The family says they will never patronize the park again. I think that's a good idea, but a better one would be to get an attorney and sue! hahahaha

Monday, September 2, 2013

Former WBO Heavy Weight Champ Tommy Morrison Has Died From Complications of AIDS

Wow, this was kind of shocking. It's been years since I heard anything about former WBO heavyweight champ Tommy Morrison. Not since his February 1996 HIV revelation. I remember looking him up on a few years ago, just curious as to what happened to him and the pic there was not flattering at all. Tommy used to be this tall good looking hunky sort of guy. But in the pic his face was really gaunt and he just looked a hot mess, torn up from the floor up. Well things didn't get much better for Tommy after his lost his boxing license, there were several arrests and lots of allegations about drugs and alcohol abuse. And now after being bedridden for over a year and hooked up to a ventilator, poor Tommy Morrison has lost his life. No official cause of death was released, but according to his wife Trisha, he had multiple organ failure including liver failure, he was being fed by tube, and he was hooked up to ventilator. Tommy was just 44 yrs old. Rest in peace Tommy.

Wow, More Celebrity Marriages and Engagements!

Wow! More and more Hollywood Celebrities are getting hitched or getting engaged and popping out babies too. Actress Kate Bosworth married Director Michael Polish at The Ranch in Red Rock Creek Montana. They met while filming the movie "The Big Sur" in 2011. Also married this weekend was Actor Seth Meyers to human rights attorney Alexi Ashe on Martha's Vineyard. Ooooooh! How hoidy toidy is that! hahahahaha
There were many others from Saturday Night Live in attendance including, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey and Kenan Thompson, just to name a few.

Continuing with the wedding theme, former boy band singer Lance Bass has proposed to his boyfriend Michael Turchin. This proposal occurred shortly after the surprise N'Sync performance at the MTV Video Music Awards. Awww, isn't that sweet. I just wonder if they both will be in Tuxes or will one of them show up in drag to the wedding or reception. hahahaha I hope they hire David Tutera or some other celebrity wedding planner.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

British Newsman David Frost Has Heat Attack and Dies

Famed British Newsman David Frost, most famous for interviewing former President Richard Nixon, has a heart attack and dies. He was just 74 yrs old. David was cruising with is family on the Queen Elizabeth cruise liner and grew ill. His family wishes for their privacy at this time. In a statement released today, they stated that there will be a family funeral and a public memorial at a later date. RIP David.