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Thursday, January 23, 2014

California Drought Breaks Records!!!

Today we broke an old record from way back in 1884, with 47 days without measurable rain fall. Our drought is so bad, they the Governor has instituted severe cut backs with watering grass and washing your car. Some fines can reach as much as $1,000.00 if caught wasting water. We have all of these Indian tribes up here, because they all have these huge Casinos, why aren't they out there doing their rain dances every day?!!! Also, why don't they seed the clouds to make rain? We are getting small storms, but we have this giant high over us so the storms just fade out without dropping any rain. So sad, we desperately need water!!! Folsom Lake is one of our local reservoirs and it is so low that the old town that was flooded when they put the dam in, is now visible again. And people are driving out over the lake bed that is normally under water and picking up rail road spikes, nails, old bottles, etc. However, it is against the law for anyone to remove said artifacts, if caught, it is a felony and you will be arrested. Personally, I don't think it should be against the law to pick up some of the many leftover items that were left by the townspeople of that town over 100 years ago. I am so sure they will not miss those items! DUH!!! Well, every one who reads this article, please pray for rain for California!!! Thanks!!!

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