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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Do You Remember Terrence Trent D'Arby from 1987? Well He's Back With a New Name and a New Sound!!!

Do you remember Terrence Trent D'Arby from 1987? That little black firecracker with the cute British accent and the shoulder length dreds? His voice was so powerful and his voice and the type of music he sang so amazing! Then he just disappeared disappeared as quickly as he appeared. Or so it seemed. I still listen to his debut cd to this day. I loved it. Well what had happened was....unbeknownst to John Q. Public and nosey bitches like me, Terrence was fighting with his label. They hated his sophomore cd and refused to promote it. So he released it anyway. It was filled with psychedelic type tunes. It was titled, "Neither Fish Nor Flesh (A Soundtrack of Love, Faith, Hope & Destruction). I never even heard of it, have you? I'm gonna check for it later.  Anyway, Terrence, or Sananda Maitreya as he is known now, currently lives in Milan Italy. Sananda, 53 yrs old states that you can change your name to anything, but you cannot change your social security number.
 Sananda has a new cd out now, titled,The Rise of the Zugebrian Time Lords, and a sound that he dubs “Post Millennium Rock.” There was a video for his new song, "Blanket on the Ground". His voice is still good, but not as powerful as it used to be. The fire is missing, I think that the old record label broke him or maybe he has just mellowed with age?? He is 27 yrs older now.  Everyone used to talk about how egotistical he was. I didn't mind it. Not as long as he could blow like he did. His voice used to be so strong and powerful. And I LOVED the confidence that he exuded. Some people talk about how Jennifer Hudson sometimes has had a diva attitude when she sings live. And every time I hear someone say it, I am like shut up! I LOVE her confidence. She knows that when she steps to the mic, she's about to SANG for you. Anyone can sing a song, what you want is someone who can SANG! You want John Q Public to say, "She SANG the hell out of that song!!!" Like when Jennifer stepped up to the mic at Michael Jackson's funeral, And then SANG the hell out of that song. I don't remember what song she sang, but I do remember it made me cry. So give me all the attitude you got, as long as you can back it up on the mic. Okay?? hahahaha Well, alright then. hahahaha 

Oh, I think I will check Amazon for Sananda's new cd too, maybe I can listen to parts of it on Blanket on the Ground was okay, but maybe there are better tunes on the album? I hope so. Give me the fire or give me nothing! Because I am just gonna be bored. And you don't want to bore me, because I will turn you off. hahahaha

So welcome back Sananda! I hope things go better for you, this time around.

UPDATE: I checked and you can listen to 30 seconds of the songs on Sananda's new cd. Yeah!

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