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Thursday, November 12, 2015

In And Out Burgers Files Suit Against Door Dash, A Food Delivery Service!!!

Okay this is really stupid in my opinion. But In and Out Burgers has filed suit against a food delivery service called Doordash for delivering their food to John Q. Public. Yes, that's right, just for delivering its food. In and Out claims that they have no control over the temperature of the food during the delivery ride, nor the cleanliness of the drivers, etc etc. In and Out also claims that by allowing Doordash  to deliver their food, it implies that they are in a partnership with Doordash or that Doordash is part of their company. No it doesn't!!! Only a fool would assume such a thing. You would think that In and Out would be happy to make the sale, they should be happy to make sales. I will not go back there again, ever! I recently ate there and it was so nasty, I didn't even lick my fingers or scrap the cheese off of the paper. EWWWW!!! And I had animal style fries too. Yuck, that was the WORST secret sauce that I've ever tasted.  I hate In and Out's fries, they are like little sand paper sticks and then to drench then in a flavorless pasty goo. YUCK!!! That animal sauce used to be really good, it was vinegar-ry and sweet relishy, tangy and smooth. Mmmmmm, What happened? When I lived in Arizona, I used to LOVE going to In and Out, my ex and I would go to McDonald's or Wendy's and get some fries, then we'd go to In and Out and get a double burger and then we'd go to Starbucks for a Strawberry Frappacino for me and a large ice coffee for my ex. hahahaha Now that was the perfect meal. Luckily for us, all of these fast food stores were located in the same strip mall. hahahaha

Anyway, In and Out Burgers, claims that they wrote letters and tried calling Doordash b4 they filed suit and Doordash refused to discuss the situation. I don't blame them. It is really stupid. Just be happy someone is buying your nasty ass food. hahahaha In and Out needs to sitdown Felicia !! Hahahaha In and Out is claiming copy right infringement and unlawful use of trademark, they are seeking a jury trial and unspecified monetary damages. I think that In and Out is also mad because Doordash ups the prices of the food and that's how they are making money on their service. So I guess instead of charging a flat delivery fee, a double double which normally sells for $3.95 at In and Out would sell for $5.95 at Doordash, and animal fries which normally sell for $2.95 at In and out now sell for $4.95 at Doordash. In my opinion, instead of suing Doordash, In and Out should have gone into partnership with them. Then everyone would be making money. In and Out could make a killing if they partnered with Doordash, Grubhub and Caviar(2 other food delivery services) by adding $1.00 to each menu item that Doordash/Grubhub and Caviar would deliver for them. That way, the delivery services are not getting all of the profits from the orders. Hey Doordash, I'm gonna open up an In and Out franchaise and if you wanna pick up food from my location, please feel free. hahahaha I might even open up a special register just for phone orders or Internet orders. hahahaha

Stay strong Doordash! I sure wish I could be on that jury!!! hahahaha

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