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Friday, December 13, 2013

MTV's Catfish the TV Show

Wow, I've seen the title of this show for awhile now but really had no interest in it. Catfishing is when you meet someone on the Internet and they scam you into believing they are someone else. It can happen to anyone. It recently happened to me, but luckily for me. I was not in love and he didn't trick me into sending him any money or cell phones. (Like he has done with other people.) In my situation, I started getting enotes on this Bear website from a guy and he was macking on me hell of hard. In every enote, he was like oh Alex you are so cute, I wanna get with you, I love your smile, blah blah blah blah. Well, my mama didn't raise no fools, so I was suspicious from jump street. It has been my experience on these types of websites that when the profile has a single picture in it, it usually is a fake profile. And his had only 1 pic in it. But then he gave me his email addy and he sent me more pics. The guy in the pic is very handsome, so, I was in like with him and continued the banter. But I tried to do my due diligence and I googled him. Nothing came up but his myspace page. There were 2 other pics on that page. But all of the pics were of the same guy. So, I was still not feeling him 100% because the location on the Myspace page didn't match the location on the Bear website. Small red flag, but a red flag nonetheless. Then the times he was emailing me and signing onto the Bear website didn't correlate with the time zone he said he was in. Afghanistan is 12.5 hrs ahead of PST. But he would sign on like 3:30pm my time that would make it 4am his time. He should be doing PT at 4am, breakfast is at 5am. I was in the Army, I know how they operate. Then at Thanksgiving, he tells me that he didn't get any turkey. I found that completely unbelievable, especially after the local news kept running stories about how they Army went all out for Thanksgiving for the troops stationed in Afghanistan. Plus when I was on active duty, it was around the holidays too, so I know first hand that the Army goes all out for Thanksgiving. HUGE buffet!!! Turkey, ham and all of the trimmings. Anyway, I googled SSgt Ralph Edwards again and this time, page after page of scams popped up. The difference this time was the SSgt. I didn't put that in my first search, I simply just did his name, Ralph Edwards. So this scam has been going on for years, dating back to at least 2011. Several women in the UK sent him money to come home, and cell phones....but they sent all of that to Nigeria. I don't know why, because he tells them he is stationed in Afghanistan??? Thank God, I just wasted some time with this fool.

Anyway, getting back to the MTV show, it is really sad how many people trick unsuspecting people on line. And the 2 guys in this show film how the first meeting goes and then tells and shows you what happens later.
I've seen about 3 episodes, one was this chick who pretended to be a guy for 2yrs just to get back at this other chick who was messing around with her boyfriend. Another episode was this former Army guy who was talking to a guy who claimed to be a model. Now looking at dude's pics, the only thing he could model for is dog food wearing a dog costume. hahahaha He was not cute at all and his body was just average. And sure enough, when they meet face to face, he admits that he has lied about being model. NOOOO! Really?
He is really a bus driver and he lives with his mother. (Shakes head in disgust!) Dude, you are 27 yrs old, what the hell are you doing living with your mother! How much do they pay bus drivers in your city? In every other city, they pay them VERY well!!! $50,000.00 and up! So that relationship continued. Army guy forgave the bus driver. I'm sorry but I am not that forgiving of a person. If you lie to me about your job, lie to me about where you live, lie to me about traveling all over the world modeling, I just cannot put that aside and say let's fuck. Because if you lie about stupid shit like that, what will you tell me about important issues?  I would date a bus driver or ditch digger or a construction guy in a heart beat! There is NOTHING wrong with blue collar workers. That's not who is usually attracted to me, I always end up dating Doctors, Lawyers, and etc. My last lover was the Vice President in Charge of Manufacturing for all of Asia for a large International computer hardware company. But occupations and titles mean nothing to me. As long as you are not a drug dealer or hit man, or any other illegal profession, I will date you if you are cute. hahahahaha

I have decided to go back to my rules of dating on the Internet. Profiles with single pics, are no gos! If I meet someone on line, if they refuse to skype with me in the first week, that is a no go! And I am going to create a gmail account so that I don't have to use one of my sbcglobal accounts or my comcast acct. Good luck everyone out there on the Internet and lets keep it 100 % honest from now on!!! But you have to be on the look out for the scammers. Don't trust someone 100% on the first day you meet them. There are too many sickos out there who thrive on tricking innocent people. So please be careful.

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