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Friday, August 2, 2013

Bag Salad Causes Major Stomach Illnesses In 16 States FDA Refuses to Name Manufacturer

Ok this is pissing me off and I don't even live in the affected areas. There is a major out break of diarrhea and the CDC and FDA have linked it to a brand of bagged salad. The exact cause of the diarrhea is cyclospora. Which means that this lettuce has come into contact with feces. EWWWW!!! Now the CDC and FDA both know who the manufacturer is of the bagged salad but they claim since the expiration date on the bags has come and gone there is no need to name the company. Because they feel all of the infected bags have been sold or tossed out. That's not the point, what if there are new bags out there that also have new lettuce which is contaminated? I dont want to take the chance on buying from that company until we know for sure they have cleaned up their contaminated production lines. As of July 29th there have been 372 cases, 145 from Iowa, the rest are from Texas, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Illinois, Georgia, Missouri, Arkansas, Conneticut, Kansas, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio and New York. Hey, do you wash your bag salad? I dont. Its supposed to be washed and ready to eat right out of the bag, right. My ex used to wash it then spin it. I just take a visual look at it for bugs and frogs. hahahaha I saw that on the news the other night, some chick opened up a bag of kale and there was a tiny green frog in there. EWWWW!!!! Thank God I dont eat kale!!! hahahaha Anyway, I think I'm going to write a letter to the CDC and FDA demanding that they release the name of the manufacturer of the bag salad in question! We have a right to know who they are!!!

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