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Friday, August 9, 2013

Project Runway: Designer Has Major Meltdown!

If you missed last night's episode of Project Runway, you missed a LOT. The episode started with the tail end of an argument between Sandro Masmanidi and some of the other designers in the stew room. Sandro bolts out of the room ripping down curtains and knocking over mannequins.  Then "36 hours earlier" flashes across the screen and the show goes back to what started the argument. When Tim Gunn came by for his critique Sandro kept saying that he wanted to know what the judges wanted from him and he didn't understand why Zac Posen didn't like him. Well it seemed that Tim had convinced Sandro to just be himself and design what he wanted. Because the judges are looking for his unique point of view and not that they wanted him to design specific garments to their taste. Yeah, that's what they say, but many times they are very critical of "designers level of taste". Which is very contradictory. So when a designer designs something slutty, they say, on no that's bad, your taste level is not up to par. But that's not true, just because one look is slutty, there are women out there who wear slutty all of the time, look at Myley Cyrus. The girl has never passed up a midriff or pair of hot pants or mini skirt! She totally dresses like a hooker! (yes that was a read! hahahaha) But I digress. So they have the runway show and Sandro is safe, but he raises his hand and asks the judges what do they want to see from him and what they thought of his dress? Well Zac Posen lays into him again! He said the woman looked like she was doing the walk of shame from an awards show and half of her skirt was ripped off.  I think that was very harsh and I didn't agree. Sandro made a beautiful dress. Zac then asks Heidi if she would wear it and she says "no". So Sandro takes offense to that asks "Is this a show to design what Heidi would wear or to design what I like to design" or words to those effect. So Heidi points out again that Sandro is safe and why is he questioning them? "You can leave the stage", Heidi says. Well the safe designers do finally leave the stage and go to the stew room. And that is where the fight breaks out. Helen and Sandro get into a yelling match, Sandro definitely does not like it when women yell at him. So he yells even louder and warns her not to raise her voice to him. Period. She then apologizes but the argument doesn't end there. Ken the black guy starts to read Sandro. And tells him he shouldn't be yelling at Helen. Then Miranda and someone else tells Sandro that he shouldn't be rude to the judges anymore. And to stop asking them what he should design. But Ken is not done reading Sandro so he joins in about Sandro being rude to the judges. Sandro pops back that Ken needs to stop talking to him like that and then Sandro just snaps. He jumps up and yells "FUCK YOU" to Ken and then flips him the bird. Then he turns and storms out of the stew room , ripping down the curtains that block the hallway and pushing past some women. He starts ripping off of his mic pack and tosses it aside in the hallway. He knocks over a mannequin. He exits the building but he's not done yet. There's a camera man following him and he turns to the camera man and says "I'm going to break your camera if you don't leave me alone" and then swipes at the camera trying to knock it out of the camera man's hands. Which I think he does because the picture kind of goes to snow for a second and then it looks like its the same view but from further away like from a 2nd camera. Sandro walks off down the street. Then back in the runway room, Tim brings the models in so that the judges can take a closer look at the 3 winning looks and the 3 losing looks and he informs the judges of what has happened between Sandro and the other designers. Heidi is not pleased and thanks Tim for the info. Then when they bring the 6 designers in, they announce the winner of the challenge, Bradon. And Bradon proposes to his boyfriend. Heidi says she wants to attend the wedding and to be a bridesmaid. Heidi tells the other designers who is safe and lets them leave the stage. So now it is the 2 designers who are in the bottom 2, I think it was Jeremy and Miranda. But then Heidi announces that Sandro is no where to be found and that he cannot return even if he wants to because of what he did. And they will not be letting anyone else go. Whew! That was a mess and a half!!! I think Sandro needs some psychological counseling! He is a ticking time bomb! I think those designers who confronted him got off really easily because I think he injured the camera man when he swatted the camera. And he may have even broken camera?? Sandro was cute but pudgy. hahahaha And definitely a HOT HEAD!!!

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