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Friday, June 26, 2015

BREAKING NEWS:Escaped Killer Richard Matt Killed in Shootout With Police!!!

Okay the details are sketchy at best, I have read 2 different stories about how this came about but suffice it say, escaped killer Richard Matt was shot and killed in a shootout with a Border Patrol Agent about 20 miles south of the Canadian border and 50 miles from the Clinton Correctional Center.  Here is where the details are not clear. One story has it where Matt knocked on some woman's door she didn't answer the door but called Police instead and they rushed over and the shoot out occurred. Then in the comments under that story, some guy claims he read another story where some guy was driving down the road heard shots pulled over and saw bullet holes in his truck. The he sees some guy running in the woods and he calls the police they rush over and the shoot out occurs ending with Matt shot dead. Dude, you had 7 more years on your sentence and they you probably would have been given parole. Oh wait, but then he still owes Mexico 20 yrs for the murder he committed when he was on the lam down there. Hmmm, Mexican prison or death. I think I would have chosen death too. I saw one of the Mexican prisons, on that locked up abroad show. Dayum, they don't have running water in the cells, they have to go stand in line with buckets and pails to gather water. The prison doesn't feed them 3 meals a day like we do here in the USA. Relatives have to bring food for them or they can hustle and if they are lucky they can run a restaurant within the prison walls and make money or barter for food. You think we have overcrowding here, well it's 10 times worst in Mexico. There can be 15 to 20 guys in a 15' by 15' cell and not every one will get a bed. many of the guys sleep on the cold hard floor on a blanket if they are lucky. There aren't any toilets in the cells, so the cons must void in buckets. MMMM I bet that smells lovely! (EWWWW!!) And then you have the gangs and cartel members, people are always getting raped and murdered in the prisons or just beaten up. I felt so sorry for some of the people in there. It really is a living hell!!!

I would say, rest in peace but Matt wasn't a very nice man. He'd killed 2 men, one being his ex boss and then he went to Mexico and killed a tourist there. If there is a hell, I am sure Matt is there now. So burn in hell you low life piece of shit killer!!! (Dayum, that was definitely a read. hahahaha)

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