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Friday, January 28, 2011

Charlie Sheen rused to hospital with abdominal pains...

Early on Thursday morning Actor Charlie Sheen was rushed to Cedars Sinai Hospital. A 911 call was placed from Charlie's home. Charlie has a history of hernias and this one appears to be a hiatal hernia, which is where a piece of the stomach  pushes through the diaphragm. Charlie is 45yrs old and lives a very wild lifestyle, which is contrary to the treatment of this type of hernia. The best way to alleviate some of the symptoms for this hernia are to refrain from drinking alcohol, eating chocolate, smoking, and etc. Awww too bad, those are all of the things Charlie loves to do on a daily basis. hahahahaha Well, I hope he gets better soon. I am a HUGE fan of Two and a Half Men.

Boy George and Culture Club Reuniting!

Wow! After 30 plus years, Boy George and Culture Club are reuniting in 2011. They are planning a new album and a world tour for 2012. That's amazing and I really look forward to both. I wonder if they will make a stop here in Sacramento or maybe down in San Francisco?? Yeah!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Giant Insect or Fashion Forward Diva!!!

On Sunday nite's episode of watch what happens with the ultra delicious Andy Cohen, Miss Lawrence performed "Closet Freak" live. He sounded ok, but clearly looked terrified. That was ok, with time I'm sure his stage performance will improve. However, he was wearing some outrageous monstrosity of a costume. He looked like a giant black cricket with hairy legs and 6 inch Louboutin stilettos. hahahahahaha I know Miss Lawrence can sing, I saw him do it on prior episodes of Real Housewives of Atlanta. However, he was relying too much on the track in this performance. I think Khandi needs to cut him a track of the song where the lead vocals are not included. It only needs to contain the backup vocals and maybe the duplicate lead vocals. For those of you who dont know, duplicate lead vocals are when the singer sings the same lyrics and they are recorded at different times and them layed one on top of the other in the final cut. I learned that from P.Diddy in Making the Band.

HIH Ali-Reza Pahlavi takes own life at age 44

 His Imperial Highness Prince Ali-Reza Pahlavi took his own life on Jan 4, 2011, in his Boston Mass apartment. According to his brother HIH Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Ali-Reza had been depressed over  "all of the ills that had befallen his beloved homeland" and the deaths of his father and sister years before. Rest in Peace.

What is in the "MEAT" at Taco Bell?

ON the CBS news tonite, they reported that an Alabama Law Firm is suing Taco Bell because it lied about its beefy meat filling. The law firm had the meat tested and it contains less than 35% of Beef meat in it. So what the HELL is the other 65% of ingredients in the meat filling? Oh my gawd, the rumor might be true! It's horse meat!!! hahahahaha Well, I dont care, it sure does taste good! hahahahaha

Monday, January 24, 2011

San News Out of Hollywood again....

96year old Fitness Guru Jack Lalanne died today due to complications of Pneumonia. Well he had a long and wonderful life. I used to watch his fitness show when I was a child. He was pretty funny too. I'm sorry to see him go. Rest in peace, Jack.

NeNe Leakes is one of the RUDEST BITCHES ALIVE!!!

Nene Leakes from Real Housewives of Atlanta is one of the RUDEST BITCHES alive! On tonite's episode, she meets the homeowner and friend of Kim Zolciack, Thomas Kammer in Miami. Well instead of her being gracious and ladylike, she makes a rude comment to him about Kim. Because Nene and Kim had been fighting for the last few hours. I dont know what farm she grew up on, but when you are a guest in someone else's house, you are supposed to be on your BEST behavior. Then later on in the episode, she invited a friend of hers to join her at the house. Excuse me, but you are the guest of a guest. You do NOT have permission to invite people over to this man's house. (Rolls eyes!) Talk about nerve!!! I wanted to jump through the TV and slap dat bitch. hahahahahaha

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Truth About David Arquette.

Okay who else out there was NOT surprised when the news broke that David Arquette entered rehab for alcohol abuse? Just raise our hands now...1,2, 3, 4...etc. hahahahaha He was always smiling and laughing and acting a fool. Acting like he didn't have a care in the world, even after he and his wife of 10yrs Courtney Cox split. Besides, did you see the pic of him in that ugly purple robe and wig at the Laker's game? Only a drunk would wear that and think it's funny. hahahahahaha I'm glad he's getting the help he needs. Good Luck to you David!

Christina Aguilera is losing her mind!!!

First of all she gets into a hair pulling name calling altercation with Ryan Seacrest's girlfriend, Julianne Hough at a Golden Globes after party. Then she goes to Jeremy Renner's house for his birthday party, along with her 22yr old boy toy. Neither was an invited guest. Then both Christiana and her 22yr old boy toy proceeded to get drunk and had the nerve to fall asleep in Jeremy's bed. REALLY? That's really bad! So, when Jeremy found the 2 asleep in his bed, he yells at them "What the hell are you doing in my bed? Neither of you were invited here. And MY PARENTS ARE HERE!" or words to that effect. hahahahahaha This is according to US Weekly and Wendy Williams. Is this juicy or what? And how trashy is Christina? You would think she had better things to do on a Sunday night. hahahahahaha

Friday, January 14, 2011

More Sad News Out of Hollywood...

Actor John Dye, died yesterday, from a heart attack in San Francisco. He was just 47yrs old. He portrayed the Angel of Death on Touched by an Angel for 8yrs. Rest in Peace.

OH WOW! I've Missed Reporting Some Major Deaths Out of Hollywood!

Did you Know that Steve Landesberg who portrayed one of the cops on Barney Miller died? He was 65yrs old and he died Dec 17, 2010. How did I miss this one? I must be slipping! So, I'm going to list some others, be prepared it's kind of a long list, but here goes:

1. Don Meredith, brain hemorrhage, Dec 5, 2010

2. Julien Hug, bachelorette cast member, 35yrs old from Suicide, Nov 3, 2010

3. Denise Borino-Quinn, Ginny Sacramoni on the Sopranos,  liver cancer, 46yrs old , Oct 27th,2010

4. Lisa Blount, acted in An Officer and a Gentleman, unknown, 53 yrs old , Oct 27, 2010

5. Simon McCorkindale , acted in Manimal and Falcon Crest, bowel cancer, 58yrs old, Oct 14, 2010

6. Harold Gould, Rhoda's Father on Rhoda &The Mary Tyler Moore Show, prostate cancer, Sept 11, 2010

7. Robert Schimmel, comedian, injuries from a serious car accident, 60yrs old, Sept 3, 2010

8. Harold Dow, news correspondent 48hrs and other shows, unknown, 62yrs, Aug 21, 2010

9. James Gammon, actor on Nash Bridges, cancer, 70yrs, July 16, 2010

10. Jimmy Dean, country singer and founder of Jimmy Dean sausages, unknown, 81yrs, June 13, 2010

11. Matt Hughes, storm chaser, complications from suicide attempt, 30yrs, May 26, 2010

12. Fess Parker, portrayed Daniel Boone, 85yrs, March 18, 2010

13. Guru, hip hop artist, cancer, 43yrs , April 19, 2010

14. Merlin Olsen, actor & ex-pro football player , mesothelioma, 69yrs, March 11, 2010

15. Corey Haim, actor, drug overdose, 38yrs, March 10, 2010

16. Andrew Koenig, actor on Growing Pains (son of the actor who portrayed Chekov from the Original Star Trek Series), suicide, 41yrs, Feb 25, 2010

17. Justin Mentell, actor and former speed skater, car crash, 27yrs, Feb 1, 2010

18. James Mitchell, actor on All My Children, pneumonia, 89yrs , Jan 22, 2010

19. Jennifer Lyon, castmember on Survivor Vanuatu, breast cancer, 37yrs , Jan 19, 2010

May they all rest in peace.

Hardcore Pawn Owner Les is a liar!

Okay, I just watched the latest episode of Hardcore Pawn, in this episode, Les the Owner of Hardcore Pawn did a complete 180 and committed a crime. In a prior episode, he clearly states to a customer that he is now allowed to pawn or buy merchandise from anyone but the legal owner of said items. However on the Jan 11th episode, Les bought a diamond ring from a guy who told him, the ring belonged to his Aunt. The guy even calls someone who purports to be that Aunt. But how does Les know that for sure? He doesn't! What a LYING ASSHOLE he is!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Judge Orders Dr. Conrad Murray to stand trial for Manslaughter.

Well folks it is official, today Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor ordered Dr. Conrad Murray to stand trial for Manslaughter after a 6 day preliminary hearing in Southern California. Hopefully , now we will get more information into some of the details of what really happened to poor Michael Jackson on his last day on this earth. If it plays on TruTV I'll be watching. Rest in Peace Michael Jackson.

Sad News out of Hollywood...

Actor and director David Nelson, son of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson died Tuesday at his home in Century City, Calif, due to complications from Colon cancer. He was 74. Awww, say hello to your parent's and brother for us David. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

This is a Twofer!!!

First of all, I just want to say that I just rented the Town on dvd and I was completely blown away by the story. DAYAM! I LOVE THIS MOVIE! It was AWESOME! Good job writing and directing it too, Ben Affleck. 

Lastly, and speaking of Ben Affleck, HOT DAYAM!!!! There is a scene in the movie when Ben is working out and he is doing these leg knee bends to his bare chest and I almost burst a hole in my boxers. Ben has one of the HOTTEST bodies I have seen in a LONG time!!! He is ripped!!! Big arms, nice pecs, with a light covering of hair, 8 pack washboard abs. Now if only he had a bigger weenie, I'd holler at 'cha Ben. hahahahahaha Ben has 2 or 3 daughters with wife Jennifer Garner, so I know he's only packing 5inches or less. hahahahahaha  Sorry, Ben. Loved your movie and LOVE your body, get a dick transplant and maybe we could talk. hahahahahaha

And Speaking of Sandra Bullock, Riddle me this....

How does America's sweetheart, Oscar Winning Actress, adopter of African American toddlers, Golden Globe Winning, all around one of the nicest celebs in Hollywood, end up with a multi-tattooed, non deodorant wearing, biker riding, Nazi loving pig??? That would be Jesse James, for those of you who are out of the loop. hahahahahaha Doesn't this old coupling just make you wanna go, Hmmmmm? I would welcome any insights into this anyone could offer. Thanks.

Unlikely Couplings...times 2

OMG! You will not believe which 2 celebrities are knocking da boots and have been doing so for the last 3 years and keeping it all quiet and secret! Are you sitting down? Regina King from 227 and Malcolm Jamal Warner from the Cosby Show. Both are all grown up now. She is now on Southpark and doing a fabulous job of playing a lady detective. And he is doing plays on Broadway, I believe. Well I sure wish them luck. I think they make a really cute couple.

Strange coupling #2, Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. She's at least 10yrs his senior. Hey cougar, work your magic gurl! hahahahahaha And Ryan when you are knocking out her back, go slow boo, she is a mommy now. hahahahahaha

Live to Dance should be called Live to put you in a Trance

Okay, if I have to watch one more  episode of Live to Dance with Paula Abdul and her two moronic cohort judges, I'm going to slit my wrists, drink 3 bottles of Drano while simultaneously sucking on the business end of 12 gauge shot gun and pulling the trigger on both barrels with my big toe on my right foot!!! It is insipid,boring, droll, boring, dull, boring, stupid, oh and did I say BORING?! IT IS BORING!!! One of the contestants was so old, she needed help walking down the hall to the stage. Now she was supposed to be a tap dancer, during her routine, NOT ONE TIME DID SHE MAKE THE TAP SOUND with her tap shoes. BORING!!! Now, I LOVE old people, especially old men. So I am NOT an ageist. I think if you are an old person who dances, make sure you can still DANCE DAMNIT!!! Now 3 of the original Solid Gold Dancers auditioned and even though those ladies are well into their 60s, I enjoyed their performance. Now the judges didn't like them , but what the hell do they know? hahahahaha The Judges were all over the place and totally inconsistent in their machinations. One team of dancers was cut for not dancing in sync the entire routine, and yet the Judges allowed another group to go through to the "short list" who also were inconsistent in their synchronization. And I dont think that was fair. Well, to me, most of those people auditioning, you could find at any local church talent show or high school production in any little hick town of 2,000 or less. Yawns. Well,I'm done with that show. I will NOT watch another episode. Good Luck Paula Abdul, and I hope that Simon Cowell's new show starts soon because I do not think there will be a 2nd season of your God awful Live to Dance.