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Thursday, October 27, 2011

PETA Sues Seaworld on Behalf of the Killer Whales...Slavery! WTF?

Ok I KNEW the PETA people were crazy, but this has got to be the STUPIDEST claim yet. PETA is suing Sea World on behalf of the Killer Whales claiming that Sea World is using them as slaves. What the FUCK?! Excuse me, but I dont see any Killer Whales working in any cotton fields with chains on their ankles or getting whipped for back talking the overseer. I think the retards at PETA are not using their full brain capacity for lack of protein in their diets. Again here is a group of people with too much time on their hands. Instead of belly aching about cruel our food is treated befor it is slaughtered and it sent to market, maybe the people at PETA should sit down and eat a nice big bacon cheeseburger with fries and a shake. And come up with plans on how to make this a better an end to long term unemployment, an end to homelessness, an end to hunger, and poverty. Man has dominion over animals. The Killer Whales are not slaves! They are animals that are owned by a company that uses them for entertainment....and the killer whales are well fed and well taken care of.  PETA has really  done it this time! Just RETARDED!!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jessica Simpson is Knocked up!

WOW! What a slut! Her and her daddy were always espousing their Christian beliefs and family values and now look at Jessica. Unmarried and knocked up. So let's see how many of God's laws she has broken? 1. Premarital sex. (Fornication!) 2. Conceiving a child out of wedlock. And if she has the baby prior to marrying the baby daddy, 3. Giving birth to a bastard child. Wendy Williams and the folks at TMZ keep wondering why Jessica refuses to confirm that she is pregnant and I think that is the reason why. Even though clearly she is at least 6 or 7 months pregnant by the size of her baby bump. Jessica is a lying, sinning, fornicating, knocked up whore. I love it when people who put themselves on Christian Pedestals get knocked down and outed for the lying sluts that they really are. hahahahaha

Lindsay Lohan Gets Nearly $1Million Dollars for Posing for Playboy!

TMZ is reporting that Lindsay Lohan was offered $750,000.00 usd to pose nude in Playboy. She countered with 1million and then Playboy met her somewhere in the middle. Probably $850,000.00. hahahahahahaha
Wow! Really? Is she that desperate for money? Besides, who wants to see her lady parts? I know I sure dont! She is already doing the shoot. I guess maybe her legal fees are killing her, eh? hahahahahaha If she doesn't complete her community service by Nov 2nd, she's headed back to jail. $850,000 can buy you a LOT of cup of soups at the canteen. hahahahaha OH! and maybe she can be bunk mates with her daddy. Yeap, he got arrested again for domestic violence. His girlfriend refused to give him oral sex and he got mad and started throwing things and grabbed her by the arm...yada yada yada yada...threw a remote control at her head...yada yada yada yada. Hey Mike, I'll suck it if she wont! hahahahahaha Talk about white trash/ trailer park losers, the Lohans are the poster children for those 2 factions of our society. hahahahaha

12 Finalists Picked in XFactor Live Shows!

There were quite a few surprises in tonight's episode of XFactor. Song choice is so CRUCIAL and I felt that the judges really let some of the contestants down. The judges kept talking about how hard they worked with the contestants and clearly; the judges worked harder with some than with others. I really like that young dad, Chris. But I didn't like his performance tonite. He sang a really old song and it was pitchy as hell! I really didn't like that chick Simone either. But then again, I've NEVER liked her. Ever since she fucked up Elton John's "My Song". I think that the reason why Simon really liked her is because she is young and beautiful. He was thinking with the wrong head. hahahahaha  And poor Tiah got a really raw deal too. Simon gave her an awful song with an awful arrangement. Tiah has a really amazing voice but because the arrangement was so messed up, we didn't really get a chance to hear it tonite. 13yr old Rachel Crow didn't disappoint tonite. She sang an updated version of the Supreme's "Baby Love"and it was a really strong performance. She really reminds of 13yr old Stacy Lattisaw? Do you remember her? I loved her voice. I was pleasantly surprised with the group Intensity. They have a couple of very strong female singers in their group. The big front runner is the girl that Simon went to Florida to ask to come back to the competition after he her cut in France, Melanie Amaro. She sang Whitney Houston's "I Have Nothing", very predictable but she did a good job of it. She's no Whitney, but still a descent job of it. Simon may have given her the kiss of death by stating that she "could win it after that performance". Only time will tell if his prediction comes true. I'll be watching and voting next week, will you? hahahahaha

Monday, October 24, 2011

Kharma is a Bitch and Now NetflixKnows it Firsthand!

Netflix CEO cops an attitude about hiking prices and its ability earn a profit. Well the US Public has responded to those greedy rude comments in kind. 800,000 customers have quit Netflix and the stock has plummeted 26%. Yeah!!! Take that Netflix and your greedy corporate ways. No one said you couldn't make a profit, but I bet you are regretting the way you went about it. I had been Netflix customer for more than 6 years until they decided to raise their prices and separate the online streaming from the dvd mail service. WOW! 800,000 SMART people stuck it to Netflix. hahahahahaha I hope 800,000 more do it too.

OMG! Glam Factory is OFF the Chain!

OK, I know there are tons of reality shows out there. And there is tons of drama on the reality shows. But this one has something no other reality show, except for Rupaul's Drag Race has...2 head boobbing, eye rolling, arms waving queens! Glam Factory is a spinoff from another reality show called Jerseylicious. Jerseylicious is centered on a beauty shop in New Jersey where several hair stylists and makeup artists work. A couple of the makeup artists dont really get along because one is dating the ex-bf of the other one. And they keep getting into physical fights over him. Anyway, getting back to the Glam Factory, these 2 queens, one is named Jon and he is the client liaison. Jon is HELL OF FINE! White about 28, mod hairy and a very chiseled and handsome face. The other queen, is Glamo and he is the new stylist for the Glam Factory. Well apparently Jon and Glamo know each other from the gay bars of New Jersey and they dont get along. Well they happened to met up in a gay bar called the Feathers, after a very trying day at the Glam Factory. And it was pure fireworks!  During the argument, Jon said, "I dont know who you are" and Glamo responded, "Google me bitch!" and Jon said, "I did Google you and Google said What the fuck are you?". Oooo SNAP!
I wasn't sure that I was gonna watch this show, but after that bitch fight in the club, I can't wait to see more. hahahaha

Friday, October 21, 2011

Dictator Gets Just Desserts!

Dateline 20 October 2011 Sirte Lebanon. And Mommar Qahdafi gets shot to death in the streets like a rabid dog. News media have video and photos of the last moments of Qahdafi's life. In the video, Qahdafi is bloodied and surrounded by several gun toting men, later he is slammed up on the hood of a car. His hair is disheveled and blood is on the left side of his face and also on the left shoulder. He looks terrified. In the still photos, Qahdafi's face and upper chest are covered in blood and his eyes are closed. I am glad that he is dead, but I think the end came too quickly for him. He was well known for torturing people and mutilating them. So I think he should have received some of the same. That's just MY OPINION!!! hahahahaha Qahdafi was captured in the city of his birth, Sirte, trying to escape the New Government soldiers (ex-rebels). He was traveling in a convoy but the New Government soldiers weren't having it. YEAH!!!

Matel Releases a Tatooed Barbie!

Matel just released it's latest "collector" Barbie. A tattooed rocker type chick. It retails for $50.00 and looks like some drugged out hooker/rocker chick. Covered in tattoos all across the left arm and up over the chest and up the right side of the neck. EWWWW!!!! What were they thinking? I think this is sending a bad message to little girls. Tattoos are not for everyone. And there are thousands of people who later regret getting tattoos and spend thousands of dollars trying to get the tattoos removed.  Also, in the current economy, I think $50.00 for a doll is OUTRAGEOUS!!! There are so many families out there struggling just to put food on the table or gas in their car, how can they afford to spend $50.00 on one ugly ass doll??!? Matel, drop this zero and build yourself another hero. hahahahaha

Vera Wang Goes Over to the Dark Side!

Either Vera Wang is really depressed or she is smoking some bad weed. She has launched a line of BLACK wedding dresses. What the fuck? This is NOT Korea and I dont think there are lots of witches or female draculas getting married. hahahahaha Here in America black for a wedding is a bad. PERIOD! End of story. You cannot change 200 plus years of tradition!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Shia Lebeouf Gets a Smack Down in Vancouver!

Shia Lebeouf and some friends were partying in a bar in Vancouver this past weekend. No big deal right? Wrong. Shia and some guy exchange words inside the bar and then decide to take it outside. Well Shia has more bark than bite and when the video opens; Shia is on the ground with some fat hairy guy on top of him. And the fat hairy guy is just wailing away on Shia. Then some guy with crutches and another guy get the fat guy to stop beating the shit of Shia. Next thing you know, another guy, has Shia up against the building begging him to "cool down". According to TMZ Shia makes it a habit to get into bar fights, I wonder why that is? Hmmmm.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Jennifer Holliday is a SPITFIRE!!!

Hey, did you see Jennifer Holliday's appearance on the Wendy Williams Show? If you didn't, you really missed out, but check it out on line. First she came out and sat on the coung for some VERY candid chit chat. And then later in the show she belted out her Tony Winning hit song, "And I"m Telling You I'm Not Going". It's been 30 years she originated that song on Broadway in the Tony Winning Play, Dreamgirls. And Jennifer still has IT! I was very happy to see that she is maintaining her svelte figure. She really looks good. And just like Wendy, Jennifer says it like she means it. Wendy asked Jennifer if she felt snubbed a few years ago when they made the movie of Dreamgirls and didn't offer her a bit part? And without blinking an eye, Jennifer said yes she felt snubbed. And she went on to elaborate how messed up it was that Oprah didn't invite her to appear on her show when had the cast from the movie. Jennifer mocked Oprah's snooty voice, too. Wendy interrupted her, but I think she would have said more. hahahaha I am no longer a fan of Oprah's either. hahahaha She's a rich bitch who is completely out of touch with the needs of society in her own country. I think Billionaires have a responsibility to help the poor people of  the world. I'm not saying you have give away all of your money. But you should give away millions to help the people of your home country first; before you start building schools in Africa.

1 in 6 Brits Has Poopy Cell Phones!

A new study was just released about bacteria being found on the cell phones of the British. They just simply swabbed the outside of the cell phone and then grew the bacteria in a petri dish and you will not believe what they found. Ecoli! This is from the owner of the phone using the bathroom and not washing his hands. 95% of the participants claimed to have washed their hands. I think a lot of them were lying but I also think many of them transferred bacteria from the door handle from inside the bathroom. I NEVER touch the inside door knob or handle. Because I have seen so many guys come out of the toilet stall and then walk right out of the bathroom. EWWWW!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ratings DOWN on 2.5 Men!!!

HAH! Thank God, it's not just me. I only tuned into the first 3 episodes to see if it would be any good with Charlie being gone. Unfortunately, it is NOT! Charlie did ADULT humor! Ashton Kutcher does juvenile MTV type humor. In the 3rd episode he engages in a food fight with a 10yr old girl. REALLY? That's not really funny to me, a 49yr old man! First of all, that's a sin to waste food. And 2nd of all, if a child threw food on me, I'd smack the taste right out her mouth. If you are a child, you need to stay in a child's place. And throwing food on an adult is not right. The only good thing about the 3rd episode was that Ashton kept his clothes on for the entire episode. But it will be the last episode that I watch. I HATE him in that role. He has ruined one of the FUNNIEST shows of all time. Chuck Lorrie is a n IDIOT!!! How could you let Charlie Sheen go???

Ashton Kutcher's Jumpoff tells all in Us Weekly.

Susan Leal, just sold her story to  US Weekly  allegedly for $250,000.00 usd. According to her, she met up Kutcher at a bar in San Diego on Sept 24, 2011. Which also happens to be his 6th Wedding Anniversary with his wife, Demi. And after a night of drinking at the bar and again drinking back at the hotel in the hot tub, she and Kutcher had unprotected sex. Not once but twice. HAH! What a fool Kutcher is, that's how you end up with a baby and baby mama...or worst an std! That may have been the last time they had sex, but this chick has been seen with Kutcher in the past. As a matter of fact, TMZ has a picture of them together way back in Jun 2011. And she was credited as "unknown blond". Demi better wake up and smell the coffee. Ashton is a cheating lying buffoon. I say cut your losses and thank your lucky stars that you didn't make a baby with him!!! Send him packing and file for divorce in California and get yourself half of his money. hahahahaha Then go out and find you a real man, and not another boy!

Whitney Struggles with 2 FLight Attendants on a Delta Flight!

Whendy Williams reported today that on a recent flight to Detroit Singer Whitney Houston got into a scuffle with 2 Flight Attendants. Whitney was seated but not buckled in. So as the Flight Attendant  was checking to see if everyone was buckled in, she asked Whitney if she would buckle up. Whitney refused. So the Flight Attendant went and got another Flight Attendant and they both asked Whitney to buckle up, but again Whitney refused. So they threatened to kick her off the flight. She again refuses and this time they buckle her in. Whitney better act right, she was on her way to her new gig. Whitney is starring in the remake of Sparkle. Jordin Sparks is also in the cast. I believe this will be Jordin's first role. YEAH!