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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The PO-PO is Looking for Katt Williams AGAIN!

Katt Williams missed his scheduled court appearance today in Sacramento Superior Court for the traffic incident where he lead Sacramento PD on a chase over on K Street when he was riding on his 3 wheeled motorcycle. So now there is a new bench warrant out for his arrest. I'm a little confused as to how he was not still in custody? He was arrested at his home in LA about a week ago. So why would they let him out? Clearly he was not going to show up up here in Sacramento since he missed the first court appearance in this matter. DUH! Here's a clue PO-PO, next time you get the mini pimp in custody, DO NOT LET HIM OUT until he's been to court. FOOLS!

Bobby Brown did NOT Start Whitney Houston on Drugs; Her Brother Michael Did

Wow, here's a shocker last night on OWN Micheal Houston, brother of Whitney Houston admitted that HE not Bobby Brown introduced Whitney to drugs in the 1980s. Because he was also using drugs then. Are you shocked? I am a little bit. I always blamed Bobby for Whitney's drug use. She always seemed so straight laced prior to meeting and marrying Bobby. So now, I guess Bobby is only partially responsible for Whitney's demise. Because I do believe that had she never married Bobby her drug use would have probably remained only part time. So I'm going to reduce his 100% now down to about 50%. I guess it takes a village to string someone out on drugs too. hahahaha I wonder how their daughter Bobbi Kristina is doing now. I haven't read any more articles about her totaling anymore cars. She needs to be in rehab somewhere getting her head together!

Grand Jury Voted to Indict John and Patsy Ramsey But DA Refused to Sign Bill

Wow, here's a story from out of the past. Do you remember the little blond beauty queen JonBennet Ramsey who was murdered on Christmas Day 1996 in Boulder Colorado? Well it turns out that in 1999 a Grand Jury heard witnesses and 30,000 pieces of evidence and indicted the parents, John and Patsy Ramsey. However, the DA Alex Hunter refused to sign the bill because he felt there was not enough evidence to get a conviction. So cut to present day and some of the members of that 1999 grand jury are now spilling the beans about the indictment. According to this yahoo news article, Mary Lacey the current DA for Boulder has given John Ramsey a letter vindicating him. Because his DNA does not match that which was found in Jonbennet's underwear nor what was under her fingernails. WOW! So the police have DNA from the killer? I kind of remember hearing something about that when that nutjob John Karr got exonerated when he claimed to have been there when JonBennet was killed. His DNA didn't match either. I wonder if the Police have done the familial DNA match? That's how the LAPD caught the serial killer who had operated in the LA area for more than 20yrs. They matched his DNA to a relative and then traced it to him. It's been 16 yrs since poor little JonBennet was killed, this is one mystery that NEEDS to be solved! I think it's going to be a friend of the family. It has to be. There was no signs of forced entry and clearly who ever took her to the basement knew the house well because it has a funny layout with the back stairs in a strange location. I saw that on 20/20 or some show who went to the house years later and showed the inside. Personally, I think the Police should have gotten DNA from everyone who had been in the house for at least a year prior to the murder. Can you believe it's been 16yrs, already? Time sure does fly!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Did JLo Cheat on Casper With Marc Anthony?

JLo was seen entering Marc Anthony's hotel in NYC wearing a leopard jacket and short skirt and sexy thigh high black boots. No kids in tow. Not even her bf Casper. hahahahaha 2.5 hrs later, Marc was seen exiting the hotel without the kids and without JLo. She was still in the room probably taking a shower. hahaha Some time later, JLo departs the hotel, again sans kids. So what do you think? Did they or didn't they?

There Was a LOT of Sagging Going on at the SAG Awards

Did you catch any of the SAG awards broadcast? I did and man oh man, there sure was a LOT of SAGGING going on. Sijourney Weaver had on this black satin monstrosity of a gown, sleeveless with little wingetts on the sides. First of all the fit on the bodice was way off but what made it look even worst is the fact that she was not wearing a bra and her fun bags were flat and sagging to her belly. At least on one side. hahahaha Yeap that's right, Sijourney is LOP SIDED! hahahaha All that money and she wont get her boobs done! I'm not suggesting that she get 38 double D type boobs, she could just get some 32 or 34 C cups. Unfortunately she was not the only one sagging either. Julianne Moore had on this white V neck gown that was cut to her belly button and again, she was NOT wearing a bra so her fun bags were flat and stretched out to her sides. hahahaha Again, the fit of the dress was part of the problem. It was puckering and bulging on the sides probably because the back had a deep V cut also, but if only the designer had angled the V cut more, the fit would have been better. Or maybe used some double stick tape. But I also think Julianne could use a boob job. At the bare minimum she should invest in some cups. Which she could have easily wore under her gown with some double stick tape. Their stylists failed them miserably for this show. I cant wait for Fashion Police to critic those fashions! Get'em Joan and the gang! hahahaha

HOT New Reality Show: Shipwreck Men Check It OUT!

There's a new reality show on the Discovery Channel called Shipwreck Men. It is filmed in Florida and it follows several salvage and boat tow companies in the Keys and Miami areas. And some of the men are HOT HOT HOT!!! Ryan from Tidewater Towing. Single, tall dark and handsome! And Joe who is a sub contractor with another tow service. They were fighting a fire on a burning boat and he took his shirt off! AMAZING! Nice pecs, and his chest and abdomen are covered in black hair! Yum YUM!! So the shows are interesting, seeing how these guys hustle to make money and rescue distressed or sunken boats. I am definitely a fan!!! Check it out, I promise you it's a good time.

Kenya Moore Is a Bipolar Tranny Whore!

Did you see this week's episode of Housewives of Atlanta (HWOA)? First of all, Kenya invites Porsha to lunch to discuss the feud between Kenya and Phaedra, What the HELL for? Porsha's name is not HESS and she is staying out of that MESS!!! hahahaha But Kenya and Porsha didn't even get a chance to order food because they got into another argument! DUH!! These 2 chicks just cannot get along. Period! Keep it moving bitches! However the icing on the cake so to speak was the out fit Kenya showed up to for the Shoedazzle event that Nene held to debut her new shoe. It was very reminiscent of the thong bathing suit and knit coverup that Phaedra wore in Anguilla. Except Miss Kenya added a big flowery hat and butt pads that were not her flesh tone. She looked like a crazy lady on the crazy beach! hahahaha I did, love how she got in Phaedra's face about the bipolar and drunk comments Phaedra had made in her confessional segments last week. Kenya has chosen to take this feud to a new low. Mocking Phaedra is fine, but dressing like beach ho to a charity event is just wrong on so many levels!!! Personally, I think she should have been arrested for indecent exposure! Beach wear should be worn on the beach and not to charity events. And Kenya sure didn't need those booty pads, her ass is already gigantic! hahahaha Kenya's ass cheeks look like you split a watermelon in half and then plastered it onto her backside! She needs to stop doing lunges, her cheeks are big enough!!! hahahaha She had the nerve to tell Phaedra that Phaedra's body wasn't good enough to be doing a workout video. I dont think Kenya's body is good enough to be doing one either. Her belly may be flat, but there is no 6 pack! And her belly button looks wonkie! hahahaha Kenya's hips are too wide and her ass cheeks too pronounced! And worst of all her fun bags are too saggy!!! Just call her droopy boobies! LOL

Chris Brown Under Investigation for Assault in West Hollywood!

Damn, I knew this or something like it was coming. Chris Brown is in trouble again. He is such a thug. This time it involves another recording artist, Frank Oceans. According to Oceans, Chris Brown and 2 other men attacked him over a parking spot in the parking lot of a recording studio. Really? Are you serious? Chris Brown needs to grow the F up and stop using his fists to solve his problems. Amen!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Streets of Chicago Were a Shooting Gallery on Sat!

It started at 2:15 am Saturday morning in Chicago and by dark 5 people were dead and 2 more were injured. The first shooting took place on the west side of Chicago when 2 men were shot while sitting in a parked car. Hey dont they watch the First 48 on A&E Channel. So many shootings take place while people are sitting in a car talking, get out the effing car and go inside damnit! One man died and the other one was injured in that incident. The next shooting took place a few hours later on the South Side, 3 men were shot outside a restaurant 2 died and the 3rd was injured. And 3rd incident took place in the afternoon, 2 men in their 30s were shot to death and left lying in the street. Good Lord! What is this world coming to. It seems that no one is safe and no city is safe. Last week in Yuba City Calif, a 94 year old woman was beaten to death by her 20yr old neighbor. And 3 weeks ago 20 2nd graders were murdered in their school in CT. I guess we all need to invest in alarms, flack jackets, gas masks etc and lock our houses, schools, trailers up like prisons! We definitely need to pray more! We need Jesus and God's help!!!

Ghost Profiles and Catfishing!

Okay, so I think I need to warn people about fake profiles and guys or girls who sweet talk you into falling in love with them over the internet. Chat rooms are the singles bars from the 1970s and 80s. It is very easy to meet someone on line and strike up a conversation. It is a very low pressure type situation. However, I think with all things one must be cautious and vigilant to scammers on line.

If you meet someone on line and they do not post a pic in their online profile, you should be VERY suspect of them. Especially when it comes to guys. There are a lot of married men on line looking for some extra sex.  If you meet someone on line and you chat with them, and then you ask them to send you a nude pic or just another g rated pic, and they send you the same pics that are posted in the profile, run away! Most guys have more than 5 or 6 pics total. Or if you ask them for nude pics and they keep giving you excuses as to why they dont have one or claims they sent them but you never received them. Something is wrong here! hahaha Guys LOVE to show off their cocks!

Burt Reynolds Hospitalized; PR REP is a LYING SACK OF SHIT!

If you read yahoo news like I do every day, there are several stories about Burt Reynolds being hospitalized for a bad case of the flu and the person reporting this to the media is Burt's PR Rep. Well this guy is a lying sack of shit. The only thing true about his story is that Burt is in the ICU in a Florida Hospital. Burt Reynolds had s quadruple bypass operation. He DOES NOT have the flu. How do I know? From the TV news. I've seen the quadruple bypass on at least 3 different networks. So either the REP is lying or just stupid. Maybe he is both! hahahahaha It's like when Star Jones had her stomach bypass operation and she kept lying about having had surgery. Why lie about it? If you have surgery, say you had surgery. We dont really care. We only start to care when you lie. Speaking of lying, Tom Cruise and John Travolta should both come out of the closet! Two of the worst kept gay secrets from Hollywood. hahahahaha Dont get me started. hahahaha

Friday, January 25, 2013

Do You Know What Catfishing Is?

Catfishing is a new term used to describe an internet love affair in which one of the parties of the love affair is lying to deceive the other one for the purpose of getting money or just tricking the other one. It almost happened to me a few months ago. I met this Italian guy on line and he was supposed to be relocating from Rome Italy to San Francisco California. Well, we didn't even chat that long before he was talking about moving in together and starting this life together. So, he was scheduled to arrive in San Francisco like on April 19th. So April 18th he sends me a message and he's all excited about his flight. So, the 19th comes and goes and I dont hear anything from him. I let the next 10 days go by because I could really care less if he came or not. He was a smoker and not that good looking to begin with. hahahaha On April 29th I email him and ask if he is in SF or what's up? I get a response back on the 30th. He claims that he just got out of the hospital and that he was living with his mother now. Because on the 19th when he went out of the terminal to smoke for the last time, some guy came down the street and bumped into him with a pallet breaking his leg. And when he tried to board the plane, they stopped him because his leg was bleeding. WTF? I almost fell off my chair laughing so hard. Is that a bullshit story or what? So I told him to take a pic of him holding a newspaper or a piece of paper with today's date written on it. Do you know what? He got mad at me for not believing his BS story! HAH! My mama didn't raise no fools. He didn't know who he was playing with. hahahaha What he should have said, was that he was crossing the street going to the terminal and one of those little fiat type cars ran a light hitting him and breaking his leg. Now that's a lie I could see actually happening in Italy. Where they drive like maniacs ALL OF THE TIME. When I was there in 1998, a friend and his lover was showing me around and in the span of just 4hrs, he had 2 minor accidents. When you tell such an obvious and blatant lie, it calls into question every other thing  you ever said also. So the female friend in SF that he was going to be staying with and possibly marrying for a green card. LIE. I might have played along a little longer, but I was done with him. I had become suspicious earlier because he never sent me any nude pics. And I stopped asking after 3 times. Never trust a gay man who doesn't have a dick pic. hahahaha Gay men are so proud of their junk even if it is just 3 inches. hahahahaha

Yesterday, Dr. Phil had a case where this former Marine had met this chick on line and after 5 years, this couple had NEVER met face to face, but had become engaged over the phone. WTF? It's just so sad that there are lonely and desperate people in the world who get scammed by predators over the internet. Yeap, that's right folks, this guy, fell in love with this chick who claimed to have leukemia and was too ill to meet this guy. And over the years he claims he has sent her $5,000.00 to help her out with various things like rent, brakes on her car, medications, etc. However, this Marine's mother thinks the real amount of money that her sent the chick is closer to $20,000.00. OMG! Can I meet him on online? Or one like him? hahahahaha  Oh and this guy is HOT! He is a really good looking guy with a nice body. Very clean cut and yuppie looking. Normally, I dont like Dr. Phil too much, but sometimes, he is on the money! And in this case, he made a proposition to the chick, who they had on the phone during the last couple of segments of the episode. Dr. Phil asked the woman if she would finally meet the Marine face to face and Dr. Phil would send a camera crew along with the Marine to document the meeting. She agreed at first but after that call, she phoned the producer and backed out. Oh so, the proposition was either for the chick to admit that she had scammed the Marine and they would just drop it and call it a day. OR, if she wanted to stick with her story and continue to scam the Marine with no proof, the Marine and Dr. Phil would press charges of fraud against her and track her down for prosecution. So since she cancelled the face to face meeting with the Marine, I think it's going to be the latter. hahahaha I really feel sorry for the Marine because he has invested so much time and money into this chick and clearly she is lying and scamming him. I hope the Marine takes some real responsibility and gets some help for himself so that this doesn't happen to him again in the future. I say it all of the time, people treat you how you let them treat you. If I met someone on line, and if I drove 3 hrs to meet them and then they cancelled at the last mile, I would hunt them down and beat the shit out of them. hahahaha You can't play a player! hahahaha
And this Marine is NO PLAYER! hahahaha He is just a gullible young fool. A fool and his money are soon parted! I guess his mother didn't teach him that one. My mom taught me that one. hahahaha

Manti Te'o is a fool too. He is the college football player that just found out he had been catfished too. However in his case, I think he was in on the scam. Because at first he was claiming to have met his gf at Stanford after a football game. But later he claims that he never met his gf at all but only lied about it because he didn't want people to think he was crazy for falling in love with a woman he never met face to face. Hmmm lying about when and where you met your gf or lying about having an imaginary gf is just LYING! And if you have an imaginary gf THAT makes you CRAZY!!! Adults dont have IMAGINARY FRIENDS! Well at least not the SANE ones. hahahahaha

Project Runway All Stars Times 3

Okay, last week was the season finale of Project Runway All Stars, 3rd Season. And....SPOILER ALERT!!! the winner was Anthony Ryan, the white trailer trash boy with no real design skills. Poor Ulle and Emilio got robbed! Ulle's line was really beautiful, all white with faux fur pieces and sparklely pieces. It was winter wonderland gone very chic and sophisticated. And while Emilio's was very nice, the idea behind it was very obscure. I really think he over thought his "idea" behind his line. He did Afro-American working women from Plantation to Modern Day. WTF? Where in the HELL did he come up with such an obscure thought? Hasn't he ever heard of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)! I think his line was too H&M for the show.
Now I want to comment on the judges, well one judge in particular; Issac Mizrahi. Normally, I like him, but I have noticed a pattern in his judging. I think he is racist. Of the 2 shows he has been a judge on, no non-white has ever won. And when he did his first show, and they had the 3 finalists. All of a sudden b4 they announced a winner, they announced that they would eliminate one more contestant before the final judging. HAH! What a crock of shit that was. Because, that's right folks they eliminated the only black contestant. And they have not done a preemptive elimination like that after the runway show and just prior to announcing a winner, EVER!!! I will only watch one more season of Project Runway All Stars, if Issac is a judge on the show. And if the winner is white again, I'm going to email Lifetime and Issac directly. That's right folks, if you see something racist, call it out! Sometimes, racists go deeper into the closet when you embarrass them about their racism.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tiger Woods is Whackadoo!

Have you heard this story yet? National media are reporting that Tiger Woods wants to get back together with his ex wife Elin. He is offering her a $200 million pre-nup. However, Elin is requesting a $350 million dollar anti cheating clause. I didn't know Tiger was that rich! Did you? But clearly he is insane if he thinks that Elin is going to take him back. hahahaha But if she does, she will be HELL of happy with his $550 million dollars. Because, it's not a matter of IF but WHEN Tiger cheats she will get his $350 million and another divorce. hahahahaha Hell for $200 million I'd marry Tiger and then divorce him right after we consummated the marriage. hahahahaha You have to consummate a marriage for it to be valid. It's not enough that the marriage takes place. Other wise if you fail to consummate it, it can be annulled and there fore invalidated. And in the eyes of the law it will be as if it never took place. A word to the wise. hahahahaha But getting back to Tiger, he must be crazy if he thinks Elin is going to take him back. I think she proved how strong of a woman she is by divorcing him. Only a door mat would have taken him back once the cheating came to light. And I think that if she were to take him back now, it would only be for the money.

Rapper Shaggy NOT DEAD!

Okay, Okay people, it was JUST a rumor that Shaggy died in or after a fight in  a bar in Los Angeles this weekend. And like with some rumors it is NOT true. Shaggy, real name Orville Richard Burrell, is alive and well and living where ever he lives. hahahaha His publicist confirmed this information to TMZ and the rest of the media who were hounding him. hahahaha

Friday, January 18, 2013

Robert Wagner Screamed "Get Off My Fucking Boat!" to Natalie Wood Mins Before Reporting Her Missing

Those were the last words that Capt Dennis Davern heard Robert Wagner yell at his wife during the vicious argument they had in their stateroom aboard their boat the Splendor. This was Thanksgiving 1981 the fateful night that Natalie Wood drowned off the coast of Catalina Island. Capt Davern has now recanted his original story to the LAPD. He now claims that Wood and Wagner argued constantly and during this final battle, people or objects were being thrown around the cabin and against the ceiling of the cabin. He waited 15 mins after things went silent and he went up to the rear of the boat only to find Wagner, nervous, sweaty, disheveled, anxious, and flushed. Wagner told him "Natalie is missing." Capt Davern says Wagner would not allow him to contact anyone or turn on the spotlight to look for Wood. An hour passes and Wagner starts crying and repeating "She's gone! She's gone! She's gone!". And shortly after that Capt Davern was finally able to finally convince Wagner to allow him to contact the authorities. When asked now who is to blame for Natalie Wood Wagner's death, Capt Davern states Robert Wagner is responsible.

LAPD Lt John Carina told reporters at a recent News Conference that Robert Wagner is not a suspect at this time. However, they are definitely re-investigating this matter and will follow to the end where ever the evidence leads them. Really? Cause, in my book Robert Wagner, Capt Davern and Christopher Walken are all suspects. Since they were the only people on the boat with Wagner at the time of her death.  I just find it very suspicious that all of a sudden Capt Davern is coming forward now to point fingers at Robert Wagner. Could it be that he is trying to increase sales on his book about the case? Hmmmm. Because if things happened as the Capt claims, why did he lie for Robert Wagner 30+ years ago? Why didn't he tell the Police all that he knew and heard on that fateful night? Was he paid to keep his mouth shut? Was he involved? Did he find a drunk Natalie on that rear deck and did he try to have sex with her and she rebuffed him they struggled and she fell overboard? Because when Natalie's body was re-examined she now has bruises and scratches on her arms. A lot of times, bruises dont show up right away in the first 24hrs after death.

Oh well, it's just a tragic case all around. Natalie Wood was so beautiful and a talented actress. She had many more years to give us more amazing performances. And her life was just cut so short too soon. I just hope the LAPD can solve this mystery. It would be nice to know the truth.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hollywood Lost Another Icon; Conrad Baines Dead at 89

Stage and Television actor Conrad Baines died of natural cause this past Tues at his home in Livermore California. He was 89 years old. Conrad rose to fame in the early 1970s portraying a doctor and the butt of Maude's jokes on the tv show Maude with Bea Arthur. His star continued to rise in 1978 when Maude ended and he took up the lead role in Different Strokes playing opposite his 3 young costars, Todd Bridges , Dana Plato and Gary Coleman. Different Strokes ran for 8 seasons total on 2 different networks. "What you talkin' bout Willis?" was the famous tag line from Gary Coleman's character. Of the 4 actors who starred in the show, Todd Bridges is now the only remaining one alive. Dana Plato died of a drug overdose in 1999, Gary Coleman "died" from a fall down the stairs in his home in Denver Colorado in 2010. I wrote "died" in quotes because I believe his new wife at the time killed him for his estate. Getting back to Conrad, he is survived by his 3 children, Jennifer, Kent and Mark. Rest in peace Conrad.

Season 12 American Idol WORST SHOW I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!

Good Lord! Where do I start? First of all there are TOO MANY judges. Second of all, ALL of the judges are pussies!! NOT a single one ever cut a bad singer down. Keith Urban is always asking the bad singers what else are you good at? Who the hell cares! This is a SINGING SHOW and this person is BAD at singing! So get the hell off the stage!!! And stop torturing me!!! I thought I wanted to watch this season because of the animus between Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey; but it is just sheer torture to get to those sweet spots. And there is TOO MUCH talking! From Ryan's boring bantering with contestants, to the deluded contestants talking about how fabulous of a singer they are, from their demented parents claiming to get chills from their daughter's singing. Yeah, I was getting chills alright, but not in a good way. hahahaha And since the producers are NOT paying me millions of dollars to be tortured, I have watched my last episode of the auditions. Maybe I will watch again when it gets to Hollywood week, and maybe I will just slit my wrists? Only time will tell. hahahaha I bet Simon is laughing all the way to the Bank. hahahaha Xfactor ROCKS! And American Idol is a TOTAL BORE!!!

One Man Killed and Another Injured At 125th and Lexington Subway Station

What the HELL is going on with passengers dying at Subway stations in New York? Tuesday's incident makes 3 in about a month. The first 2 were shoved in front of trains as they entered the station. A woman was arrested in the 2nd incident. However, in this most recent incident it appears to be that of an accidental fall. According to Yahoo News, the 35 yr old man, whose identity has been with held pending notification of his next of kin. The man was walking on the platform and fell onto the tracks and was struck by a train. Just about 20 mins prior to the 35 yr old falling onto the tracks, a homeless man also fell onto the tracks but he was not hit by a train. But his legs were seriously injured nonetheless. He is recovering in a NYC hospital. They always warn you to stay away from the edge of the platform, apparently these 2 guys didn't heed that warning. Rest in peace.

45 Year Old Deaf Twins Euthanized in Belgium

Okay this is just bizarre to me. A set of 45 year old deaf twins just found out that they were going blind and would not be able to see each other any longer. So they were killed by lethal injection by a doctor. Apparently doctor assisted suicide is permissible in Belgium. I guess the thought of being both blind and deaf was just too much for these twins to bear. It's just so sad that death was their only option. Rest in peace fellas.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Pete Rose's Fiance is a Transexual!

I know a tranny when I see one. And if you check out his show, Pete's Korean fiance has a very large Adam's Apple! And last time I checked, only MEN have those. hahahaha But take a good look at this chick, everything about her is FAKE! Big GIANT fake boobs, fake lips, fake butt, fake nails and hair extensions! I wonder if Pete is gay? Maybe he doesn't know his fiance is a shim? hahahahaha Sometimes, older guys dont care, they just want the companionship. Tsk Tsk Tsk, oh how the mighty have fallen. hahahaha

Armstrong Admits to Doping in Oprah Interview!

WOW! How the mighty have fallen. On the news yesterday, they kept replaying over and over again some of the many times Lance Armstrong denied doping over the years. Well, folks, yesterday during his interview with Oprah Winfrey, Lance Armstrong finally admitted to doping. Personally, I think he is a day late and a dollar short. Word in the media this mea culpa is supposed to get him back into competition sports. But why would anyone trust his lying ass ever again. I wouldn't trust him if we were standing in a rain storm and he said, Alex I think it's raining. Lance Armstrong is a pathological liar and a CHEATER!!! And I think that after this interview with Oprah, the media shouldn't give him the time of day ever again. Speaking of cheaters, have you seen Pete Rose's new reality show? Pete Rose: Hits and Mrs? His Korean fiance is a tranny. She has a bigger Adam's apple than Pete!!! hahahaha And she probably has a larger cock too! hahahahaha I say good riddance to both! hahahaha

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kenya Moore the Tranny Whore Has a Song Out!

Last night on Watch What Happens Live with the fine ass Andy Cohen, Kenya Moore the Tranny whore debuted her new single, I'm 40 and Gone With The Wind Fabulous. Or something like that. hahahaha Clearly she has been reading my blog because the lyrics of her song had so many points that I've made about her. hahahaha Like the fact that she is crazy, ugly, and a liar. hahahaha I wouldn't really call Kenya a singer, her song is more of a rap than an actual singing type song. Her back up dancers were a HOOT! Those two queens were really bad at voguing and synchronized moves. But they sure can do the gay drop well. hahahaha  Kenya also tried to clarify her "relationship" and his statement about their "relationship" being fake. She denies that the "relationship" was fake and claims that Walter said it was to hurt her. hmmm Andy also stated that there are rumors out there that Walter is gay. I can see that. He certainly was acting like a bitch on last week's episode when they fishing at that pond. hahahahaha It's just too much drama for me. hahahaha

Jodie Foster Steps Out of Closet With a Whimper!

Last night at the Golden Globes during her acceptance speech for the Cecil B DeMille Lifetime Achievement award Jodie Foster finally admitted publicly that she is a lesbian. Wow, really....DUH! Is there anyone left on this planet who did not already know that? Why do celebrities who are gay always think John Q. Public is unaware of their gayness? Do you really think that you can go to gay clubs and no one will see there? Or they wont tell their friends? Oooh, guess who I saw at the club last night? hahahaha During her speech Jodie claims that she told her close friends and colleagues already over the years. Hmmm I wonder if they were the ones who told everybody else? hahahahaha It's like the same thing with Rock Hudson, when his hiv status was revealed and the world found out he was gay. Most people already knew he was gay. I had heard stories about him coming up to SF for years and going to the I-Beam to dance the night away. I've also heard the same rumors about Prince Van Anholt, that's right Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband. It wasn't until recently, when I saw a profile on Prince Van Anholt that I put 2 and 2 together. In this profile piece they revealed that Prince Van Anholt had adopted 5 grown men and 2 or 3 of them appeared in the story. Well my gaydar pinged really hard when I saw the men. They are all spray tanned, muscular and studly looking guys wearing tight jeans and open collared shirts with bulging pecs. So gay! hahahaha I just want to know why do celebrities think that if they refuse to discuss their sexuality publicly no one will know that they are gay? Anderson Cooper is another prime example, he refused to confirm that he was gay for years. But when he finally did come out of the closet, he stated that he told his friends and family. DUH! Who do you think told us? hahahahaha

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Spears Quits XFactor!

Brittany Spears has decided NOT to return the XFactor for Season 3. She supposedly wants to return to the stage herself. She is currently in the studio recording her 8th studio album and would like to go on tour just as soon as it is completed. Wow, Amazing! What a dumbass! She's guaranteed $16 million with Xfactor. No one knows for sure how much she will make when and IF she goes on tour. I just think she needs to buy a thesaurus and learn some new words. hahahahaha

Walter DOGS OUT Kenya on RHOA!

OMG! Did you see the last 6 mins of Real Housewives of Atlanta this past Sunday? I felt so bad for Kenya Moore, the lying whore! That's right folks, I felt bad for her and I dont even like the bitch. hahahaha So let me set the scene for you. Walter and Kenya are at some pond somewhere in Atlanta fishing. And as usual Kenya starts talking about their relationship, or should I say FAKE relationship? Sigh, oh well. Anyway, Kenya was like we haven't been spending much time together and blah blah since Antigua. And Walter is shooting her dirty looks and answering questions with questions. Dont you just hate that?! I sure as hell do. If I ask you a direct question, you better fucking answer me directly. But at one point Walter cocks his head to the side and steps back sneering at Kenya with this disgusted look on his face. If I were Kenya, I would have walked over and slapped the taste out of Walter's mouth. He was being so fucking rude and disrespectful to her. So apparently Walter was really exhausted and frustrated with the sham relationship and he certainly made no bones about it. But I think they were both just wrong from jump street. They never should have lied to us about the nature of their "friendship". What kills me the most, is how serious and forthright Kenya always looks when she is talking to or about Walter. Like the fact that he says the "relationship" was all just an act from jump street never happened. So, either Kenya is an AMAZING actress or she is insane! (Shakes head in disgust!)

Taylor Swift Should Write a Song Called I Cant Keep A Man!

Have you heard this story? Taylor Swift has gone through 14 guys in 3 years. That's right folks, Taylor and Harry Styles are no longer together. That was a pretty short courtship, they were only dating like 4 months. But their breakup puts her with 14 men in just 3 years at the tender age of 22. And in my book, that makes her a slut. That's more than 7 men per year! WOW! Is that a record? It sure should be. hahahaha

Uncle Sam by Way of the IRS Wants a Pound of Flesh and MORE from Katt Williams!!!

That's right folks the IRS is after embattled comedian Micah "Katt" Williams. On Dec 18, 2012 the IRS filed a 4 million plus tax lien on Katt Williams. Oh no, say it aint so Katt. Apparently Katt owes back taxes for the 2008 and 2009 tax years. Here is the break down , for 2008 and 2009; He owes $3,200,908.92 for the year 2008 and $829,352.11 for the year 2009, for a grand total of just over $4 million. Too bad Katt just gave up being a comedian, looks like he's gonna have to flip burgers or go back to pimping to pay the IRS. Or maybe he'll just go back to jail. The IRS doesn't play, just Leona Helmsley; the queen of mean. hahahaha Leona did 19 months in prison for tax evasion plus 2 months of house arrest. According to this net worth website that I like to check on the rich and famous on, Katt Williams is worth about $4.5 million, so if he pays his back taxes he's going to have $500 thousand left. Wow, that's too bad Katt. Come on mini pimp, let's get it together.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Hey, have you heard about METV Network? Memorable Entertainment Television Network! It is a new network on cable and it shows all of those awesome WHOLESOME tv shows from the 1960s and 1970s like Mission Impossible, The Rifleman, The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, Make Room for Daddy, The Beverly Hillbillies, Petticoat Junction, My Three Sons, Mary Tyler Moore Show, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, and etc. Last night I watched an episode of Mission Impossible which included one of the BEST looking men of all time, Sam Elliot! OMG he has the prettiest blue eyes! You may remember him from his break out hit movie the Lifeguard. This was pre-Baywatch and put sexy lifeguards on the map! I really look forward to seeing many of the old shows. They bring back such happy memories from my childhood. TV has always been such a nice escape from reality. Thank You METV!!! And keep up the good work!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lance Armstrong is Such an EFFING Liar!

After years and years of denying that he was using performance enhancing drugs or HGH or transfusions, Lance may reveal publicly that he was. It has been widely reported in the last couple of days that Lance has been in secret talks with the USADA to publicly confess. As you know Lance was striped of all titles, and banned for life from any and all competitions; not just cycling but triathlons, foot races etc. Also, as you know Lance did NOT fight these charges and simply scurried away like a rat with a piece of cheese into the night. To me, that spoke volumes. If you are innocent, at the very least you would state that. Even guilty people deny deny deny. hahahaha So the fact that Lance didn't fight the ban nor did he renounce the accusations of him being a serial doper. I say he's GUILTY and such a FUCKING LIAR!!! I personally never looked up to him as a hero. But of course every time he won the Tour D' France, I was proud to be an American. But now, I am deeply ashamed of him and very disappointed in him for lying and cheating his way to the top. And I am very glad that he must repay all of his prize monies. Maybe that will teach him a lesson that cheaters never win! Shame on you Lance! Shame on you!!!

Did You Know that Tboz from TLC Had a Brain Tumor in 2006?

I was watching Tboz on her new reality show called Totally Tboz on the learning channel network; and she admitted that she had had a brain tumor in 2006, that left her blind, paralyzed on her right side and speechless. She subsequently had the strawberry-size acoustic neuroma on her vestibular nerve removed at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. She also stated that it took her 3 years to relearn how to walk and talk. Her face still looks the same, but she's a little hippy.I'm glad she is doing so well. And it's nice to see her craziness on TV again. I just wonder what happened to that Crispy chick they discovered on the find the girl reality show she and Chili had a few years ago? I thought Crispy was going to be a permanent addition to the TLC group?! Oh well, I guess TLC is just a duo now.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Actor Thomas Gibson Arrested on Suspicion of DUI!

Oh no! Please say it aint so! Actor Thomas Gibson was arrested in Los Angeles on suspicion of Driving Under the Influence. How stupid can he be? He can certainly afford to take a cab or hire a limo, why risk killing someone or going to jail? It just doesn't make sense, plus he was 24 hrs early from New Year's Eve. hahahahaha Charges were filed and he was released on $15,000.00 bail. Good luck!

Kim Khardashian is 3 months Pregnant by Kanye West!

OMG! Say it aint so! Please! It looks like Kim Khardashian has taken Wendy Williams advice and gotten knocked up by Kanye West, her most recent boyfriend. But Kim is still married to Kris Humphries. So under the eyes of the law, Kris is the presumptive father. Personally, I think Kim is paying Kris back for knocking up his girlfriend, some unknown skank that is a low grade imitation of Kim. hahahaha What is wrong with these people dont they know first comes love, then comes marriage, and THEN the baby carriage! hahahaha

Phaedra Parks is Preggers Again!

Phaedra Parks and her husband Appollo are expecting their 2nd child. If it is a boy, then I'm going to assume that Appollo is packing some meat. hahahaha I still cannot stand to watch them kiss, its just so nasty! All that tongue action is so gross!!! hahahaha

Josh Brolin Arrested Wandering the Streets of Santa Monica Drunk!

Late in the evening on New Year's Day, around 11:30pm Josh Brolin was found wandering the 1600 block of Ocean Ave in Santa Monica drunk. He was so drunk that the police thought he was unable to take care of himself and arrested him. Now that sounds like he was hell of drunk. hahahaha Sounds like Josh is a day late too. New Year's Eve is the day to be drunk around 11:30pm not New Year's Day. New Year's Day time is spent sobering up and recovering from the night b4. hahahaha Josh is not new to being arrested either. He has been arrested 2 other times, once in 2004 involving a domestic incident with his wife Diane Lane. She later refused to press charges. And he was also arrested in 2008, along with fellow actor Jeffery Wright and 5 crew men from the movie W. Charges were later dropped in that incident, as well. At least in this incident Josh was not driving, so I must give him props for that. Yeah, Josh! hahahaha

Friday, January 4, 2013

Letterman Dares Kathy Griffin to Service Anderson Cooper

If at first you don't succeed try try again! I dont know about you, but I only check out CNN when there is a breaking news story. Well, apparently, on New Year's Eve, we missed quite the spectacle. Kathy Griffin trying to give Anderson Cooper a blow job. WTF! I know Kathy Griffin is a fag hag, but that is one tree that she should definitely shouldn't be barking up. hahahahaha During the live broadcast Kathy repeatedly leaned down towards Anderson's crotch. She also dropped down to her knees in front of him on more than one occasion. Anderson didn't lose his composure once and tried to keep it light and fun, but I think Kathy was crude and rude. Once is a joke, repeatedly is harassment. I think Kathy should not be asked back for a 7th appearance at this event. Hey Kathy, kick rocks bitch!

Amy Winehouse's Autopsy Results Called into Question

No rest for the weary. Recently, it was discovered that the deputy coroner Suzanne Greenaway who performed Amy Winehouses' inquest was not qualified to do so. Therefore, the results have been tossed out and the inquest must be redone. So she may not have died of alcohol poisoning after all. I thought you only get do-overs in baseball? Mitch Winehouse, Amy's father is pissed and he says the family will not attend another inquest. Also, the original coroner's report was sent to the wrong address and the recipients tried to sell it. WTF! That's just wrong. Seems like Amy is just as controversial in death as she was in life. Poor thing, I really loved her voice and music. Rest in peace Amy.

A FOOL and His Money are Soon Parted!

Today, I was watching a mini marathon of one of my favorite MTV shows, Ridiculousness. Hosted by Rob Dyrdek. And on one of the episodes, Floyd Mayweather Jr and his fiance Shantel Jackson made a guest appearance. During the episode, it was revealed that Floyd likes to carry around $1 million in CASH in a duffel bag. So Floyd calls over one of his minions and the guy tosses over the bag and Floyd opens it and dumps out the contents. Stacks upon stacks upon stacks of hundred dollar bills. Look, I know Floyd is supposed to be worth around $115 million dollars, but to what purpose would you need that kind of cash on a daily basis? NOTHING GOOD! Also Floyd was bragging about spending upwards of $100, 000 at strip club. For $100,000.00 I better get more than some cheap ass lap dances. Every mother fucker in there better be sucking my dick and getting naked. hahahahaha And you should see the boulder he bought his fiance. Yeap, I said BOULDER! It's a giant princess cut stone about the size of a quarter or fifty cent piece with more princess cut stones for the band. Floyd would not say how many carats the ring was. I've only seen a couple of rings with stones that big, Elizabeth Taylor had one, and Steve Harvey's wife had the other one. Steve Harvey's wife's ring was 25 carats. Shantel's ring is probably twice that size. She better keep loads of security with her, because someone will definitely try and take that ring from her. The smaller stones would be easy to dispose of, but the center stone would have to be cut down. I estimate the value of Shantel's ring at at least $10 million to $20 million. I dont know what kind of work Shantel has done in the past but she looks like a stripper or a hooker. Big fake boobs, lots of fake hair, heavy makeup and slutty attire. I just hope Floyd is smart enough to get a prenup! Probably not though. hahahaha

OH! And what the hell was Floyd doing wearing all of that lip gloss on Ridiculousness? It was different from his fiance's lipstick. hahahaha