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Friday, December 12, 2014

Sons of Anarchy Star Kills Girlfriend's Rabbit and Eats It!!!....Sends Her Step By Step Pics!!!!

OMG!!! This is beyond cruel!!!! Actor Dimitri Diatchenko was pissed at his ex-gf and when she left for work he decided to cook himself a meal. The only problem with that is the protein he chose was the girlfriend's pet rabbit. Now I love me some rabbit, my mother used to cook it like it was fried chicken, bread it, brown it in a pan, and then bake it in the oven for 30 mins. YUM YUM GOOD!!!  Anyway, Dimitri killed, skinned the rabbit and cooked it. All the while stopping to take pics and send them to the gf. He ended up eating half of it, I think he saved the other half for the gf. That was very thoughtful of him. LOL Oh also, when the gf got home, Dimitri threatened to do the same thing to her. So, the gf was not impressed and called police. Dimitri has been charged with felony cruelty to animals with a knife and making criminal threats. If convicted, Dimitri could spend 4 yrs and 8 months in prison. I hope that rabbit tasted really good. That was really mean and messed up to do something like that. Dimitri and the woman had been in a romantic relationship but had broken up and continued living together as roommates. The woman had asked Dimitri to move out, and this is what precipitated the murder of ther rabbit. I guess he doesn't want to move out. hahahaha  Dimitri is fine, he has sandy blond hair and blue eyes with a square jaw. Very sexy! Hey Dimitri, you can move in with me. hahahaha

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