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Monday, November 26, 2012

Real Housewives of Atlanta Was HELL of Boring Tonite!

I dont know what Andy Cohen was thinking tonite, because I almost fell asleep on Real Housewives of Atlanta tonite. Stupid ass Kim Z. was complaining and whining the entire episode about having to move out of her dream house in 48 hrs. Bitch weren't moaning and groaning and telling Kendra to evict you last week because you hate ALL of the houses in Atlanta? Stupid is as stupid does. Why did you wait until the last minute? I mean honestly, really? Really? I just checked Webster's Dictionary for the definition of a dumb blonde and wow! Look, they have your picture!

Phaedra Parks is a wasteful showoff, and liar. $20,000.00 on your son's birthday party is a complete waste of money. I dont care if you are rich. There are poor people, and people who have just lost everything 2 weeks before Thanksgiving; who are now homeless and living in the streets that you could have donated some of the money to help out. Not only are you wasteful with your money, but you spent $20,000.00 on boring ass nothing of a party. Did you see how many people were falling asleep at the Dolphin show? Yawn!! However, what pissed me off the most about you, was when Cynthia busted you on your butt dialed phone message where you said you dont give a fuck if she comes to the party or not. Instead of you being an adult, and apologizing for your rude ass comment, you pretended a bug bite your titty. Really? Are you serious? Cynthia should have slapped the taste right out of your mouth. Or thrown her drink in your face. And then walked out on you. Cynthia girl, dont you ever speak to that Phaedra bitch ever again girl! She is NOT your friend! She is a FAKE ASS BITCH!!

Oh and one more thing, Kim. You are a so pathetic. I think you were just JEALOUS when you saw Khandis' new house , that she OWNS! You were renting your "dream house" because you cannot afford to purchase it. Because if you could afford to purchase it, you would have. Maybe you should call Big Poppa up and offer him some sex if he will buy the house for you, you slut! Everyone one knows that if you have a house appraised, and it comes back at a different price than you expected. Just have it appraised again you stupid ass moron! I sure will be glad when you leave the show. I cant stand looking at your ugly ass face! And 2.1 Million for a 17, 000 sqr foot house sounds dirt cheap even for Altanta. And I'm glad Kendra put you on BLAST on Twitter. That's what you get for trying to cheat her. Everyone knows that you have to pay rent when you are an adult. So grow up and pay your rent, you fat asss bleached blonde troll-ette. I have to call you a troll-ette because you aren't pretty enough to be a full fledged troll. Biatch.

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