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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The 47 % have spoken and the word is F You Mitt Robne!

Hello People! It is with GREAT PLEASURE that I announce that that lying, hate mongering, power hungry asshole Mitt Romney loses the United State's Presidency by a LANDSLIDE!!! Personally, I think his 47 % speech was the final nail in his coffin. However, he also had some help from his wife also. I remember her quote that "Mitt doesn't care about poor people". Gurl you aint never lied! How can you condemn poor people for being poor, or old people for being old, or sick people for being sick?? It is not like poor people wake up every day and say, "wow, what can I not do to remain poor today". That is NOT laziness you out of touch FOOL! I am now disabled and I struggle every day to keep going. I have a terminal illness and I would give ANYTHING to be able to hold a full time job again and be in charge of my life. Shop when and where I want to, go out to restaurants, take a good vacation every year or drive a nice car. I miss my old life. But I have come to terms with the hand that God dealt me and I make do. If I were as lazy as Mitt Robme claims the 47% are, I would just put a bullet in my head and the struggle. So, F##K YOU Mitt! You didn't deserve to be President of this GREAT NATION and I am SOOOOO Glad that you failed to pull the wool over the Electorate's eyes. Thank God!

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