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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Replica of Noah's Ark Headed to Brazil!

Okay, this is exciting. A replica of Noah's Ark has been built by a Norwegian man and is headed to Brazil for the Paralympic Games in Sept. According to Herald A.M.A. Janssen, the director of the Ark of Noah Foundation, Huibers built the ark using the measurements given in Genesis 6:15 to make the ark "as precise as possible."

"And this is how you shall make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred 8 cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits," reads the Bible passage.
By reviewing multiple historical measurement units in the various ancient cultures, Huibers created a measurement scale to use while building his ark.
One Christian organization is hoping to bring a story from the Bible to life.
The group Ark of Noah hopes to set sail in a "replica" of the Ark of Noah sometime this year.
The ark, which spans five floors and can hold more than 5,000 people at once, is 95 feet wide, 410 feet long and 75 feet tall. Hmmm, I wonder how many animals it could hold? The real ark didn't hold people as its primary cargo, it held animal couples.
Dutch carpenter Johan Huibers said he began building the Ark of Noah after dreaming about an intense storm that flooded his hometown in the Netherlands
Upon completion in 2012, the ark became a multi-floor interactive exhibit, focused on the spreading of religious teachings from the bible for Christian educational purposes.
Tourists who visit the ark encounter Bible-based stories and exhibitions, attractions, a movie theater and more. That sounds really amazing. 
According to a video about this Ark it is going to be put on a barge and sailed down the coast of South America to Brazil then over to Central America and finally up the Western Coast of the United States. I wonder why it has to be put on a barge? Can it not float by itself? Hmmm, I guess it is not sea worthy! Sigh! Good luck I hope it completes it's journey. Maybe I will go see it, if it goes to SF?!?!

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