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Monday, October 27, 2014

Quarantined Nurse Set To Sue NJ for Quarantine

Okay this is just retarded. Kaci Hickox, a nurse that just returned to the USA after volunteering to work with Ebola patients in Sierra Leone is the first person to be forceably quarantined in NJ. She is threatening to sue NJ for being quarantined after she received a negative test for Ebola and is asymptomatic. WTF! This chick is stupid. It can take up to 21 days for the Ebola virus to show up and what if it shows up on day 14 and she has a mild fever but doesn't go to the hospital to get checked and she goes on the subway to Manhattan, or maybe takes a flight to Ohio to visit family and she infects 3 people on the subway and 20 people on the plane and all of them die and they infect another 20 people each. I know they say it's is not passed easily but 3 health care workers have been infected after wearing protective gear while treating patients. I say solve that mystery and then I will be all for not having the quarantine!!! But until you do, we NEED the quarantine! You CANNOT trust people to self quarantine themselves. That's why Dr. Spencer was running all over town, riding the subway, eating in a diner, getting coffee and etc. Even though, he had a mild fever. I wonder how many people he infected. We wont know for sure if any have been infected because there is at least another 14 days left on the incubation period from the day he went to the hospital. What if he went to the movies and was sitting there hacking for 2hrs and his sputum was spreading around for 20 ft in all directions. I bet we don't know about every single place he went between the returned and the day he went to the hospital?? I think next week, we are going to get a rash of victims in NYC. Mark my words. I hope I am wrong but I don't think so.

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