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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Former NFL Player Makes Miraculous 9 Mile Swim After Falling Off of His Boat Off the Florida Coast!

Former NFL Player makes miraculous 9 mile swim back to shore after falling off of his boat 9 miles off the Florida coast. Robert Konrad, 38 yrs old and he used to play for the Miami Dolphins 1999 to 2004. Robert was 9 miles off the Florida coast near Palm Beach fishing. He had hooked a fish and was trying to reel it in when he fell off of his boat. At the time his boat was auto pilot. Poor Robert was alone on the boat, so I don't know why his boat was on auto pilot!? Because look what happened, he fell off and the boat kept going. Had he been anchored or just drifting, he would have had a chance to get back on the boat even if no one else was on the boat. So Robert prayed and played mind games with himself while he did the backstroke and the breast stroke alternating between the 2. He got stung by jelly fish and at one point there was a shark circling him. Robert claims he has had boats ever since he was 9yrs old and so he felt very comfortable going out alone. I bet next time he will be wearing a life jacket and have some safety gear on too as well. Like maybe a GPS beacon, shark repellent, maybe a life raft. Be smart not stupid! It was really stupid of him to be fighting with that fish in such a way that he fell overboard while his boat was on auto pilot and unoccupied! OH! And Robert claims that a 25 ft wave hit the boat at that moment too. Sigh! It is really by the grace of God that he swam the 9 miles back to shore. Good Lord, how many people could do that? I don't think many!!!! Robert said he kept thinking about his 2 little girls at home with his wife and he said, he was not going to die today and he had to get home to them. Well, thank God he made it back. When he reached the shore he was exhausted and he had hypothermia. I guess the Atlantic was too cold for him. DUH! That's why that Iceberh hit and sank the Titantic. hahahaha

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