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Friday, February 20, 2015

The Way the Media and Public View Stephen Collins and Bill Cosby Accusations

Okay, I have been mostly quiet about the Bill Cosby situation and I have posted 1 article on the Stephen Collins admission. What pisses me off the most is how the media and the US population have jumped on Bill Cosby and basically condemned him from a few accusations with no proof whatsoever!!! But there has been very little coverage of and absolutely no public condemnation of Stephen Collins who has admitted that he molested 3 girls back in the 1970s and 80s. Why hasn't everyone jumped on him and called him names and etc. Collins admitted his crimes both on audio tape and in subsequent interviews once the tape went public. Sure Collins has lost some jobs since his wife accused him of being a child molester and there is allegedly a criminal investigation going on. But since he has admitted it, why hasn't he been arrested? I don't understand it! Yet poor Bill Cosby has been vilified by the media and the public. If the accusations are true against Cosby, why is this coming out now? Why didn't someone speak up years ago? Like when he was trying to buy the NBC network? That would have been the time to speak up. Also, it's up to like 25 women so far, you mean to tell me that NONE of them told anyone when the alleged rapes took place? Why didn't any of them go to the hospital and do a rape kit? Or take a towel and stick it up their vijayjays and get a semen sample? I have a lot of trouble believing this could have been going on all these years and Hollywood kept it a Golden Secret all of this time. I'm just not buying it. What woman do you know who can keep a secret this salacious a secret all this time??? It's awful convenient, don't you think?

Racism is alive and well in the United States. A white actor admits he is a pervert and has molested 3 girls that we know of, and almost nothing happens to him. But a black actor/comedian gets accused of drugging and raping a bunch of women and everyone goes ape shit over this and trash him in the media and treat him like dirt. Bill Cosby has not been convicted of any crimes, but yet the media treats him like dirt. Stephen Collins has admitted that he is a child molester and the media barley mentions it. What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? I guess that only applies to white people...even if they admit to being guilty, they still have to be convicted b4 people turn on them. Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk...that is so wrong!!!!

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