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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Mt Gox Recovers SOME of the Millions in Lost Bitcoins

Okay this is some Grade A bullshit of the highest quality!!! A few weeks ago, I told you about millions of dollars in lost bitcoins when one of the largest traders of the cyber currency went belly up. Well, low and behold now months later, 200,000 bitcoins estimated to be worth around $120 million usd were "accidentally" found on line in a storage device at Mt Gox. This device was not supposed to be on line because it is vulnerable to hackers and schemers. And since bitcoins only exist in cyberspace, that would make them easy to steal. The owner of Mt Gox, Mark Karpeles, had been storing the bitcoins on the storage device for his customers. Mark is under mounting pressure from those same customers who are pissed off that Mark lost their bitcoins weeks ago. Are you serious? This sounds like a scam to me. If I were the CEO of a company that stored bitcoins and I had put them on a storage device, I then put a giant sticker on this device reminding me what was on it and then I would lock it in my company safe with 5 hidden cameras whose footage is stored in the cloud. I wouldn't put it in a drawer somewhere with no label on it. I think Mark is hiding ALL of those missing bitcoins because he is planning on stealing them and running off somewhere where there is no extradition and living lavishly. Millions in an untraceable currency!!!!! No one is that much of a saint not to try and steal it!!!! Anyway, some of the many customers who have lost bitcoins with Mt Gox were online and discovered the storage device and its contents. Thank God some of them will get SOME of their money back! Good looking out folks!!!!

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