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Friday, March 21, 2014

The Plane, The Plane.....Where is the Plane? Malaysian Flight 370 is Still Missing After 13 Days!

Okay this is just crazy! How do you make an jumbo jet with 239 souls aboard just disappear into the thin air? Well, if you are a Malaysian Pilot, you do it under the cover of darkness. On Mar 8th, 2014 Malaysian Flight 370 left Kuala Lumpur International Airport en route to Beijing China, but never made it. At around 8:11am on 9 Mar 2014, a satellite pinged the plane for the last time and then it made a sharp turn west and disappeared off the radar screens. There were several shadow pings later but not a solid ping like the 8:11am one. The latest is that on 16 Mar 2014 off the west Coast of Australia in the Indian Ocean, there was some debris spotted that COULD possibly belong to the missing flight, one piece was large enough to match the size of a planes' wing. Everyone, is racing to that area to search for survivors and debris. But at this point, I doubt that if there were survivors that they would still be alive in those shark infested waters. So sad. Also the water in that area of the Indian Ocean is HELL of deep, so if the plane is on the bottom it is going to extremely difficult to retrieve the black boxes or the plane. Personally, I think if the plane didn't crash into the ocean, it was skyjacked by the pilots and is now somewhere in Pakistan or India secreted for use later on in some terrorists plot. And all of the passengers have either been killed or are being held hostage. Personally, that's what I hope has happened. At least everyone would still be alive, not in a good situation, but alive is good. Well, all we can do is pray for those 227 passengers and 12 crew.

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