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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Grand Jury Voted to Indict John and Patsy Ramsey But DA Refused to Sign Bill

Wow, here's a story from out of the past. Do you remember the little blond beauty queen JonBennet Ramsey who was murdered on Christmas Day 1996 in Boulder Colorado? Well it turns out that in 1999 a Grand Jury heard witnesses and 30,000 pieces of evidence and indicted the parents, John and Patsy Ramsey. However, the DA Alex Hunter refused to sign the bill because he felt there was not enough evidence to get a conviction. So cut to present day and some of the members of that 1999 grand jury are now spilling the beans about the indictment. According to this yahoo news article, Mary Lacey the current DA for Boulder has given John Ramsey a letter vindicating him. Because his DNA does not match that which was found in Jonbennet's underwear nor what was under her fingernails. WOW! So the police have DNA from the killer? I kind of remember hearing something about that when that nutjob John Karr got exonerated when he claimed to have been there when JonBennet was killed. His DNA didn't match either. I wonder if the Police have done the familial DNA match? That's how the LAPD caught the serial killer who had operated in the LA area for more than 20yrs. They matched his DNA to a relative and then traced it to him. It's been 16 yrs since poor little JonBennet was killed, this is one mystery that NEEDS to be solved! I think it's going to be a friend of the family. It has to be. There was no signs of forced entry and clearly who ever took her to the basement knew the house well because it has a funny layout with the back stairs in a strange location. I saw that on 20/20 or some show who went to the house years later and showed the inside. Personally, I think the Police should have gotten DNA from everyone who had been in the house for at least a year prior to the murder. Can you believe it's been 16yrs, already? Time sure does fly!!!

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