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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Hollywood Has Lost a Legend!!! Debbie Reynolds Dead at 84 Yrs, Just ! Day After Daughter Dies!!!!

Oh my Gawd!!! When will it end. Hollywood has lost a legend!!!! The fabulous and legendary Debbie Reynolds died today, just 1 day after her daughter Carrie Fisher died, she was 84 yrs old. Debbie was beside herself with grief over the death of her beloved daughter Carrie. And at first on Wed afternoon, they thought Debbie was having a stroke while at her son Todd's house, so they called Paramedics and rushed her to Cedars Sinai hospital when she said, "I miss her so much, I want to be with Carrie!" and then later that day she passed away. Dayum. Debbie had a long and illustrious career in Hollywood. She starred along with many of the great actors and actresses from the Golden Age of Hollywood, like Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, and Donald O'Connnor just to name a few. However, what I think Debbie is most remembered for is the fact that her husband Eddie Fisher divorced her in 1959 and married widow Elizabeth Taylor. And what was so bad, was that Debbie and Elizabeth had been friends at the time. Elizabeths' husband, Mike Todd had just died in a plane crash in Mar 1958. And Eddie being the good friend that he was, he went over there to console Elizabeth. Then he fell in love and left poor Debbie and their 2 children, Carrie and Todd behind. Debbie was ever the peace maker and many years later rekindled the friendship with Elizabeth on the QE2 when they just so happened to be on the same cruise together.

After making all of those fabulous films Debbie went on to appear on many TV shows over the years. One of my favorite performances was on Will and Grace. Oh she was so funny on that one. And fabulous too!!! That was Debbie a real elegant legend.

Debbie is survived by her son Todd and granddaughter Billie. Rest in peace Debbie.

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