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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kordell Stewart Is An Undercover Homo!

OMG! The marriage to trophy wife, Porsha was a complete sham! Kordell Stewart is as queer as a 3 dollar bill. Rumors have chased after him for years about him being gay and this is what lead partly to his leaving the NFL. Despite his amazing skills as a utility player, no one wanted to share the locker room with him. How sad for them. It's not like he was gonna "hit" on his teammates. Good Lord! Some str8 guys act so crazy when it comes to gay men. They think the gay guy wants him. When it is NOT true! Gay men are just like str8 men in the fact that we all have a type of man that we like. Just like str8 men have TYPE of woman that he likes. Some guys like big boobs and fat asses, well so do some gay men, but they like big pecs and round butts.Getting back to Kordell, the biggest rumor about his being gay is that he was arrested in Schenley Park  which is a well known meeting place for gay and transgender men. It is said that Kordell was arrested after being observed preforming a sexual act with another man in a car. Now this is JUST a rumor because all records of the arrest have been sealed. But all rumors have SOME truth in them. And looking back at how controlling Kordell was with his wife, and how he liked to pick out all of her clothes I can see it clearly now. At first I thought he was so controlling douche bag because he is so ugly and therefore he was afraid of her leaving him. But uh huh, he was so controlling because she was his coverup! And he wanted to make sure the ruse was intact so that his secret gay life would be in tact too! Oh what a bitter life we lead when we practice to deceive. Kordell, gurl, you need to quit it! Just come out of the closet and tell everyone to fuck off. No one really cares if you are gay or str8. We only start to care when you lie to us! Just look at Nathan Lane, Chef  Cora, Chef Anne Burrell, Andy Dick, Chaz formerly Chasity Bono, Lindsay Lohan , Madonna, and etc etc They have all come out of the closet as gay or bi and they are all still working at their respective jobs and living their lives. Being gay is no longer a "black list" type label. It is a NON ISSUE! This IS 2013! Not 1939!

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