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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

US Constitution is for US Citizens ONLY!

Okay, people, there is a trend that is really pissing me off lately. Riddle me this, and correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the US Constitution ONLY apply to US Citizens? Why does everyone think that just because they are standing on US soil they are entitled to ALL of the same rights and priviledges afforded a US Citizen? The constitution reads "We the people." It doesn't read, we the visitors.or we the students on a student visa or we the illegal immigrants. I find it so WRONG that illegal aliens, come here and commit crimes and get the same rights as a US Citizen. Or that old people 65 and up immigrate here and immediately get Social Security or other Federal Aid. Or an illegal woman can sneak in the country and have a baby and then because her baby is a US citizen she now gets to stay here permanently. WTF! And you wonder why medicare and Social Security are in trouble. Stop paying for people who NEVER paid one thin dime into the system. I think US RIGHTS ARE FOR US CITIZENS ONLY!!! I know I'm gonna catch some flack over this one, but I am a US CITIZEN and I am entitled to my OPINION!! hahahaha

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