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Saturday, June 22, 2013

An Arrest Warrant Has Benn Issued for New England Patriot's Tight End Aaron Hernandez

This is a big mess and so sad. The Police have a warrant and are looking to arrest New England Patriot's Tight Ender Aaron Hernandez for obstructing the investigation in the murder of his friend Odin Lloyd, 27. Lloyd's body was found by a jogger about 1mile from Hernandez's home in Attleborough. The police are alleging that Hernandez had a cleaning crew come to his house and give it the once over a couple of days after the murder and he destroyed his security system and deleted the video from the day of the murder and he delivered his cell phone broken into several pieces to the police for analysis. Wow! I hope they throw the book at him but that all sounds like actions of a guilty man to me. If you have nothing to hide you cooperate fully with the police. If you are guilty, you do everything in your power to thwart the investigation. What makes this so bad is that Lloyd and Hernandez were friends, good friends. They were dating two sisters and if both had married the women would have become brothers in law. And Lloyd was a semi-pro football player. These guys had so much in common!!! It's really a shame it all went so bad, apparently. Since the body was found so close to Hernandez's home, he is naturally a suspect. Because when it comes to murder there are no such things as coincidences. Ooooh Snap! hahahaha

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