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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sacramento Woman, Leaves Car Running and Is Surprised that It Is Stolen and Her 5yr Old Son Kidnapped

I've said it before and I'll say it again, This is 2013, not 1813. You MUST lock your doors and windows at all times! Yesterday, here in Sacramento, a woman went to pick up one of her children from school, she left her purse, 5yr old son in her car, with the engine running , keys in the ignition and the doors unlocked. When she came out of the school 5 mins later, she was surprised to see that her car was gone. Really?  What planet is this dimwit living on? You cannot leave your car running and go inside of any location and come out and expect your car to still be there. DUH! Well luckily this story has a somewhat happy ending.  She starts looking for her car and luckily for her she finds it around the corner from the school, with her son unharmed and the car unharmed also, but her purse was missing. So when the news interviews her, she says she's always done things like that when she goes to pick up her son. Well that's was her 1st mistake. Obviously someone has noticed that that is her MO and then decided to steal her car not knowing there was another kid inside, or not caring. I sure hope she has learned her lesson. NEVER EVER leave your car running and go inside of a building. Not unless you don't care if your car gets stolen! Personally, I think this woman should be sterilized and have her children taken away from her, because CLEARLY she is too stupid to raise children. This woman was so lucky that a child molester or some whackadoo didn't take her car and kill or harm her son. I mean how lazy and stupid is she? What if her 5yr old had gotten out of the car, wandered into the street and been hit and killed by a passing motorist? Or what if the 5yr old had put the car in gear and ran into the building killing someone else's child? There are just so many bad scenarios that could have happened. I am just thankful that her 5yr old was unharmed. Too bad that his mother will not change her ways. I bet you $1 million dollars that the mother will leave the keys in her car and it running today when she goes to pick up her child from school. Dumbass bitch! hahahaha

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