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Saturday, December 7, 2013

North Korea Releases Senile Old Man

Okay I am chalking this incident up to senility because that is the only logical explanation I can come up with as why this old man would go to North Korea in the first place. Veteran Merrill Newman who fought in the Korea War way back in the 1950s, took a vacation to North Korea for God only knows what purpose. First of all North Korea is not really a vacation destination. 2nd of all, if you are a Korean War Vet, that would make you an enemy of the state in North Korea! DUH! So if you were stupid enough to go there, why in the world would you tell anyone that you fought in the Korean War? Unless you were having suicidal thoughts, right? So what happens, Merrill is on board his flight to return home to the USA and before the plane can taxi down the runway and depart, North Korean police board the plane and take him off of it. He is then coerced into reading a confession and apology on North Korean TV for the war and killing North Koreans. He should have been executed after that, but I guess North Korea is not completely cray cray after all. They detain him for a few days and then finally release him. He is finally back on US soil and hopefully his family will take his passport from him and not allow his 85 yr old ass to leave the country again. Tsk tsk tsk tsk. It just boggles my mind when people do stupid ass shit like this.

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