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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Defiant Nevada Cattle Rancher Battles US Land Management and Wins!

Okay, at first look at this story, you think this is another case of "David" beating "Goliath". ("David" being Rancher Cliven Bundy and "Goliath" being the US Bureau of Land Management.) But then you get all of the facts and you see this is really a case of another deadbeat not paying his bills and using militia men to fight against the big bad US Government. Cliven Bundy signed and had been paying fees to the US Bureau of Land Management to allow his cattle to graze on land OWNED by the US Government for many years prior to 1993, in 1993 he stopped paying those fees. The US Bureau has taken him to court many times and had received many court orders ordering Cliven Bundy to pay said fees. Bundy had refused and after years of him defying court order after court order, the U S Bureau finally decided to take his cattle in lieu of the $1 million owed to them by Bundy in back fees and fines. First of all, I think the US Bureau waited way too long to start taking his cattle. This 2014, they should have taken his cattle in 1 to 2 years of him not paying the fees. Look, our government is not perfect, but it's the only one we have. If you don't like how things are being run, they do something about it and go into politics. But don't stop paying fees that you agreed to pay when you signed a legally binding contract. Like Jude Judy would say, if you eat the steak pay for the steak. So Bundy should pay the fees for his cows to graze on Government land or not let his cows graze there. PERIOD! End of story. And now that the US Bureau has backed down, Bundy and every other nut job out there with a beef with the government is going to be emboldened and fight ever harder next time. This is so stupid, I cannot believe it. Bundy is a deadbeat! He needs to lose his cows and his land and he needs to go jail for violating the court orders. Am I right? HELL YES!

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