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Monday, April 21, 2014

Lindsay Lohan Claims to Have Had a Secret Miscarriage During Filminng of Docuseries...Lie or Truth?

Okay, Okay, I know you are tired of reading about this chick. Well believe you me, I am tired of writing about this slut. But this is just too salacious not to comment on. hahahaha During her last confessional on her Docuseries on the O Network, Lindsay claims that she had a secret miscarriage and that is why she halted filming for 2 weeks of the series. This is the incident that precipitated Oprah in dropping the F bomb on Lindsay. I wonder why Lindsay didn't tell Oprah about the miscarriage? And wow, it only took her 2 weeks to get over it. Lindsay is just so strong. (Rolls eyes! Bullshit!!!!) Gurl, who you kidding? We all know this is just some bullshit ploy to get sympathy so that you don't look like the big fat fucking flake that you are!!! What really seals it for me is there was a scene in the last hour of the docuseries where Lindsay tries to remove a wine bottle from her kitchen counter top and gets nabbed on camera doing it. So last week on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, Lindsay claims that she had had some friends over for dinner and THEY had wine with dinner because she had cooked dinner for them. Okay that is not 1 but 2 lies! Gurl you don't know how to cook! And 2nd if the wine had belonged to your dinner party guest why try and hide it? Lindsay was standing next to the counter turns her back to the camera while she is talking reaches over and picks up the bottle and pulls it in front of her. Then uses her body to shield the fact she is holding a wine bottle and takes it and discards it. If she were really discarding from a dinner party, why not just pick it up and toss it into the trash. Why hide it? Liar liar liar pants on fire bitch!!!!

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