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Friday, April 11, 2014

Judge Grants Bankruptcy to Teresa and Joe Giudice For Nominal Fee!

This is just ridiculous! I think this Judge needs to be put up on a wall and shot!!! The Judge, whose name was not listed in the article is going to allow the Giudice's to erase $13 million dollars in debts and just pay a paltry $7,500.00 to the court. That means that they get to keep their house which is estimated at $1.7 million dollars and for which they only have a mere $140,000.00 in equity in it. And there in lies the couple's biggest flaw, they own a lot of nice things , like a sea doo boat, an Escalade, 2 quads, a Maserati, 2 go carts and a Ford 350 but they have little to no equity in those things. But that doesn't matter now, all of the bank loans, car loans, etc are going to be wiped clean.....all $13 million of it!!! Wow, must be nice to be crooks and living like kings.Joe still had a teenie weenie! He has 4 daughters, so if he was packing any "meat", then he would have at least 1 son. hahahaha I'm thinking he has 4 inches or less. Doesn't matter though, when he goes to prison for his fraud charges, he's not going to be using his cock at all, but his ass is going to get a good work out! I sure hope he can get some adult diapers? hahahaha He's gonna need them. The Giudices will be sentenced on the fraud charges on July 8th. Normally, I would wish them good luck, but fuck that. I hope the Judge throws the book at them and gives them each at least 20yrs! I bet Teresa wont flip a table in prison, those hard core bitches will wipe the floor with her skinny ass. hahahahaha

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