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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

2 Teens Killed After Breaking Into 2 Different Homes in 2 Different States With 2 Different Outcomes!!!

Okay this is some complete bullshit and I want to start a petition to help the old man in Texas. Well, as I told you in a previous blog entry, there is a 68 yr old man in Texas who is facing charges of 2 counts of First Degree murder for killing 2 teens who broke into his house on Thanksgiving Day 2012. Well, the same thing just happened here in Sacramento this weekend. There was a woman, who was not identified in the news report, who lived alone in a big old house here in Sacramento county. Well, she wasn't feeling safe this weekend so she invited her brother to come over and spend the weekend. Well sure enough, 2 teens break into her house this weekend. Her house had been previously broken into on at least 2 occasions in the past. So the siblings were terrified and after the teens broke in, the siblings kill them. However, here in Sacramento, the siblings are NOT facing any charges. The police have called it justifiable homicide because these 2 strangers broke in and the siblings were afraid for their lives and acted accordingly. So why is the 68 yr old man not getting the same deal in Texas? The prosecutor claims that the 68 yr old man was "laying in wait" for the burglars. I say, bullshit! That would mean that he KNEW beforehand that the burglary was going to take place and how could he have known that? He couldn't! If I were the 68 yr old man and I was down in my basement watching TV and someone broke in and then descends the basement steps, I am not going to ask them if they want a beer and some nachos. I would shoot first and ask questions later! PERIOD!!! It is MY HOUSE and no one else has a right to break into it for any reason, unless it is on fire and they are trying to rescue me. And I don't smell any smoke so it's your ass fool. hahahaha I sure hope the attorney for the 68 yr old man uses this incident here in Sacramento to get the charges dropped against the 68 yr old man.

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