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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Florida College Professor Arrested for Fraud After It is Discovered That He Does NOT Have Doctorate Degree

This is some serious cray cray bull shit. This guy woke up one day and said, I think I want to be a college professor. But instead of getting a Doctorate like any normal person would do, he fabricated one on his home computer along with transcripts to back it up. WTF! I know right. Well, it took 5 yrs for his lies to be discovered and when they were he was arrested for grand theft and cheating. David Scott Broxterman, affectionately known on the Polk State College Campus as Dr. Broxterman worked as a college professor at PSC for 5 years starting in 2009 and during that time he earned $258, 760.00 which the State Attorney's office has labeled "stolen wages". According to PSC when the "professor" applied to the college back 2009, his credentials were verified by staff at the college, but going forward; PSC now claims they will use a 3rd party verifier from now on. Yeah, I think that is a good idea. hahahaha  Oh! You might ask, what prompted a review of this guy's credentials after 5 long years? Well, he was involved in another fraud case, where he is the defendant. He sold a coin collection for thousands but turns out it was only worth pennies!!! Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk!!! Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive!!! Personally, I think he should have been found out a lot sooner, not because he was a bad professor; because he was not bad at all. As a matter of fact he received a very high rating on 4.9 out 5.0. But in his office at school, he displayed his doctorate certificate and on it was a black and white seal instead of a gold one. Also, there was a typo and the middle initial of the President of the School where the certificate was issued didn't match the woman's name. Luckily for the fake professor's bachelor's and master's degrees were legitimate and so he did have actual knowledge too which allowed him to fake it for so long. PSC is not going to penalize any of his students by making them retake courses taught by the faux professor.  Which is good for them. Hey David, I bet you regret cheating that coin collector now, eh? Maybe you can cop a plea? If not, dont drop the soap once you get to prison. hahahaha

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