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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Will and Jada Smith...Worst Parents EVER!!!

Will and Jada Smith, I cant even call them parents, I have to use it in quotes. They are more like sperm and egg units who produce humans that they then allow to run amuck doing whatever the hell they want to do. That is NOT parenting. What prompts this is the photo that was posted to instagram today of a shirtless actor Moises Arias 20 yrs old and 13 yr old Willow Smith who was fully clothed lying on a bed somewhere. First of all it is inappropriate for a 20 yr old man to be shirtless in the presence of my 13 yr old daughter in a bedroom anywhere on this planet. The only time a shirtless man should be around my 13 yr old daughter is either at the beach or a swimming pool somewhere. After the picture was posted, and the normal people started in on how inappropriate this is, Moises removed the picture from his instagram and said that everyone was over reacting. And he thinks of Willow as his little sister, and that it is "disgusting and "laughable" to think otherwise. Hmmmm, bullshit! Many 19 and 20 yr old date girls 13-17.  And it is criminal for that to happen. A 20 yr old man should not be having sex with a 13 yr old girl. That is statutory rape and or child molestation depending on the jurisdiction and what the age of consent is for that state.

This is a prime example of "alfluenza", rich parents who allow their children to do what ever the hell they want with no consequences. A 17 yr old boy in Texas used this defense after he was arrested for drunk driving and killed 4 people while under the influence. What is so bad is that his defense worked. He was found not guilty and got off Scot free. The families of the deceased are suing for damages, but that is not going to bring back their loved ones and once again. This kid has learned that there are no consequences to his actions. Because he is rich and white and can do what ever the hell he wants and no one cares and there are no laws that can stop him. And that is exactly how Willow and Jaden Smith are growing up. There was an article a few months ago and Will Smith was quoted as saying that he wanted to emancipate Jaden when he turned 15 yrs old. Are you serious! That is the most critical time that he needs his father and some guidance. If you are too lazy to do the work, then do not have children. But raising children is a JOB, it is very hard work!!! If Will and Jada are too lazy to do it, then they should hire Nanny's to do it. Like most other rich people. You have to teach children the difference between right and wrong it is not innately gleaned from the stars or conception.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing to say about a women who was a d still is unknown and 2 stomach wrenching spoilt little brats will was really liked a long time ago but don't feel sorry for him he's sees what's going on and allows it very sad family
