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Thursday, May 15, 2014

College Park Texas...Woman Finds 12 Rock Python in Bathroom...Not Her Snake

College Park Texas, a woman heard some strange noises coming from her bathroom and was totally shocked to see what was making them. When she opened the door to the bathroom she found a 12 ft Rock Python slithering over her toilet. So she calls the police and when the 2 officers arrived, one was carrying a brown paper sack so she tells him, "you're gonna need a much bigger bag than that!". Apparently no one believed her about the size of the snake when she called 911. Rock Pythons are known for being aggressive and this one was par for the course. When the Police tried to corral it into a garbage can it fought them tooth and nail not to go in. hahahaha Those cops are lucky they could get it into the garbage can without getting injured. Rock Pythons have a mouth full of very sharp teeth, even though that is not how they kill their prey. Pythons are constrictors which mean they squeeze their prey to death, but don't let that fool yah! Given the chance to bite you, a python will clamp down on you in a heartbeat! hahahaha So, anyway, this woman in Texas thinks that the snake slithered into her house when she left the back door open and she was giving her guinea pigs a bath. I bet she wont leave that back door open again. hahahahaha Anyway, it turns  out that snake belonged to a neighbor and it had escaped 2 months ago. In spite of that fact, the snake was returned to him. I don't think that was a good idea. Clearly he is not a responsible pet owner.

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