What the hell is wrong with Sean Penn? Does he have a death wish? Why would he surreptitiously fly to Mexico and meet the Drug King Pin Killer Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman? I know why El Chapo wanted to meet Penn. El Chapo wants Sean Penn to arrange a biopic film made in the Hollywood style about his life as a murdering, drug lord. Everyone wants to be famous!!! Even drug lords!!! I think that Sean needs to be committed for doing this. This could have been a plot to kill him and his dumb ass would have walked into it. Can you see those headlines, "Escaped Drug King Pin Murders Actor Sean Penn in Mexico!!!". And people would have been, well why did Sean go to Mexico? Mexico is one the most dangerous countries on the planet. IT IS NOT SAFE THERE!!!! You cannot trust the police, many of them are corrupt, the drug cartels are bold and have shoot outs right on the city streets in broad daylight, and the water is bad.
Anyway, Sean went to visit this crazed KILLER to interview him for an article for Rolling Stone Magazine. Sean did not get paid for the article, I guess maybe this was a line on his bucket list, Interview Escaped Convicted Killer/#1 Drug King Pin, check! Good lord, I think climbing a mountain in the Himalayans, or snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, meeting the Queen of England for afternoon tea, or going on the Jerry Springer Show are better options!!!!!!
Sean were you so desperate to see your name in the headlines, is that why you risked your life? I sure hope it was worth it? The only good thing that came out of it was that it lead to his capture. Do you think his people will come after you now, and if they kill you, was it worth it? Maybe I should wait and ask you that after they kill you. You do know that El Chapo has ordered the deaths of hundreds of people? Right? So What's one more?
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