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Monday, April 22, 2013

No Prenup for Porsha When She Married Kordell Stewart!

Oh NO! Say it aint so! Kordell is not only an undercover homo, but he is HELL of stupid! When you have the kind of paper he has, you should ALWAYS get a prenup b4 you marry. But since Kordell didn't, Porsha is entitled to a lot of his loot. Dumbass! I'm not 100% privy to the divorce laws in Atlanta because as you know each state has its own laws. But normally, when there isn't a prenup, the wife is entitled to 50% of the earnings during the marriage. The judge can also take into account the lifestyle that the couple lead during the marriage.Kordell is lucky that there were not any children born into the marriage, so he wont have to pay child support. hahahaha If I were Porsha, I would demand the house, a Range Rover or Mercedes SUV, and 3 to 5 million dollars. Kordell is worth about $16.5 million according to this networth website I use to check those sort of things. So dont ask for half, ask for less than half and that way he shouldn't balk too much. But if he does, then go for the jugular and ask for $10 million. You always ask for more than you really want so when they bargin it down, they usually bargin it down to what you really wanted in the first place. hahahahaha Too bad Porsha is too stupid to do that. I think she is gonna fuck it up and end up with a few hundred thousand and honda accord. hahahahaha Since he is the one that filed, and she was willing to work it out, you can leave Kordell, but you are going to have pay to leave. Porsha didn't do anything wrong like cheat on you or commit a crime, or harm your son. So she is totally in the clear. Plus, I thingk the way you went about filing for the divorce and not talking to Porsha first was chicken shit. Kordell you are a coward. If you were a real man, you would have sat Porsha down and told her it's not working out , you want out and you are filing for divorce. But to just go and file and then she finds out about it on Twitter. That is a punk ass bitch move if I ever saw one!!!

Porsha appeared on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen tonight and she said Kordell and her are still living in the same house. I heard that gurl. I wouldn't move out. I would move the farthest in the house I could get away from him and still be in the house. hahahaha 'Cause we dont have to talk and the house is 12,000 sqr feet. hahahahaha So there's plenty of room to get away in. hahahaha You know what? I would sit Kordell down and tell him, ok this is what I want: a 3,000 sqr ft house that is 100% paid for free and clear, a Range Rover,  and $3 million dollars cash up front no payments. And I would tell him, if you dont give it to me, I will fight you all the way on the divorce and I would tell the judge that I love him and want to work it out order us to counseling. hahahahaha You have to pay the cost to be the boss baby! hahahaha

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