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Thursday, April 11, 2013

US Senate Is Retarded!

We need gun control not more stupid laws that criminals wont adhere to anyway. The US Senate in its "infinte wisdom" has passed a bill that requires everyone to pass a background check before they can purchase a handgun or a long gun. Ummm, excuse me, dont we already have that law? Also, what criminal do you know of is buying his guns legally? That's the whole point of them being a criminal is that they DO NOT follow the laws on the books now. DUH!!! I just want to know why cant lawmakers out law assault rifles? I know the US Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms, but it does NOT guarantee the right to bear assault rifles! Those 21 children at Conn would still be alive today if assault rifles were outlawed! PERIOD! Clearly, Lanza's mother had some mental issues of her own if she was taking her son to firing ranges and teaching him how to shoot. Why on earth did he or she for that matter need to know that? I will never understand why she did it. Or why she left her guns in an unlocked cabinet where he retarded son could easily have free access to them? He should have been locked away some where where he couldn't harm anyone. The only good thing he did that day was to kill his mother. That bitch didn't deserve to live among free people. I hope she rots in hell.

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