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Monday, July 21, 2014

HBO's Behind the Cadelabra

OMG! This movie is off the mother fucking chain!!! I see why the Golden Globes gave Michael Douglas the award for Best Actor. He was A-MAZ-ING!!!! Whoever wrote this movie, hates Scott Thorson. The writer made him out to be a drugged out two bit gold digger. Scott met Liberace when he was 22 yrs old and through a friend named Bob that he met in a gay bar. Dayum! What also surprised me was how easily it was for Michael and Matt to be kissing on camera. LOL The kisses were not HOT to me, they seemed kind of forced, but oh well what do you expect from two "straight"actors portraying gay characters? LOL I wrote "straight" in quotes because I still believe that Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were lovers. LOL

After being together for many years, Liberace and Scott started constantly bickering and Scott using weight loss drugs constantly and selling the jewelry that Liberace gave him. Then one day, Scott gets a phone call from his foster dad telling him that his foster mother had passed away in Los Angeles. Liberace was nice enough to rent a jet for him to fly back and forth to LA for the funeral. However when Scott returned, he had been replaced by a younger version of himself. So he throws a temper tantrum and destroys Liberace's bedroom, breaking vases, and art and leaving the room looking like typhoon had hit it. hahahaha Scott leaves Liberace and sues him for palimony. Scott claimed that he signed an agreement between him and Liberace for sex, but never received his copy. He also claims that Liberace made out a will leaving him a substantial settlement again, he never received his copy. When Liberace gave his deposition, he denied giving Scott a house and furnishings. Eventually, Liberace offers Scott, 3 cars, 3 dogs, $75,000.00 cash and all of his clothes and jewelry. But Scott must sign a confidentiality agreement. Eventually Scott accepts it, but later goes on to write a book about his time spent with Liberace. This movie is based on that book, Behind the Candelabra: My Life With Liberace by Scott Thorson.

Scott also was a prime witness in the Wonderland Murders in LA and testified against Eddie Nash and was then placed into Witness Protection where he spent 10 yrs by the Feds. Subsequent to his time spent in Witness Protection, Scott was shot 5 times in 1990 by drug dealers in his hotel room in Florida. Scott has been arrested several time since then for various crimes, burglary, identity theft and using a credit card without the owners consent. Scott currently resides in Reno NV.

According to Wikipedia, Liberace died from CMV (cytomeglovirus) pneumonia which is an AIDS related disease. The Riverside County Coroners Office rejected the cause of death given by Liberace's personal physician and ordered its own autopsy; resulting in the AIDS diagnosis and CMV as cause of death. Liberace was worth $110 million dollars at the time of his death. He had just finished playing 18 sold out shows at Radio City Music Hall.

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