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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Race Car Driver Jeff Gordon Pranks Rude Blogger

Okay this was kind of good, but really slow to get to the action. About a year ago, Jeff Gordon appeared in a Pepsi Max commercial where he takes an unsuspecting used car dealer on the ride of his life. Well apparently some blogger named Travis Okulski who writes for Jalopink ripped Jeff and Pepsi a new one. Because most of that original ad was staged and Gordon was not behind the wheel for most of the ad. Well things sure have changed in this prank. They showed footage of Jeff getting made up to look like an ex-con tattooed cab driver. Then they arranged with Travis' boss to be picked up at his hotel in North Carolina and driven to an interview. So Jeff picks up Travis and Jeff is very chatty with Travis. But then a cop gets behind them and eventually pulls them over. The then starts barking orders on his PA system and Jeff starts talking about not going back to prison, "I didn't even do any fucking thing wrong!" and then "I'm not going back man!" And Jeff floors it. Travis begs him to pull over and let him out.  It's kind of hilarious, Travis is begging like a bitch. So at then end of the ride, Jeff drives into a warehouse that is all decked out in Pepsi Max logo and Jeff jumps from behind the wheel and runs around the car and opens Travis's door and introduces himself and then grabs a can of Pepsi and takes a big gulp! Well it looked to me like a great deal of this prank was staged. There is one left hand turn that Jeff makes from the dirt road, where clearly that turn has been made a few times, because you can see the tire tracks from the overhead shot. So I wonder how much of the driving did Jeff really do? There are way too many cuts in the footage for you to say that I can see Jeff behind the wheel the entire time. So, just like the last one, I wonder how much of this prank was staged? I'm gonna say a great deal. Sorry Pepsi! I aint buying it!!!!

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