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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

YouTube Channel: How To Make Everything...Makes $1,500.00 Chicken Sandwich! So Stupid!!!


Okay this is clearly someone who needs a job and jas too much free time on his hands. There is a guy named Andy George, who has a YouTube Channel called "How to Make Everything". This time George wanted to make a chicken sandwich and it took him 6 months and $1,500.00 USD to make just once chicken sandwich.  I bet I could make a chicken sandwich for a lot less. You MORON! George did it the old fashioned way like back in the 19th century. He planted seeds and grew tomatoes, onions, wheat, etc. Then he milked a cow and got the milk to make butter and cheese. And he went to a farm and got a live chicken which he killed and plucked the feathers. (YAWN!!!) Dude, why you just go to Walmart and buy all of your ingredients for like $20.00. George claims "I want viewers to understand the invisible world that goes on behind-the-scenes in [regards to] everyday items that we buy, use and throw away," he said. Nah, I think you need to get a job dude. This is not the 17th century, everyone knows where food comes from. We just don't care that someone has to grow it for us. We are thinking about our social media, our cell phones, cars that drive themselves and future space travel. No one wants to think about Farmer John growing lettuce in the California heartland. We just want to go to our 99 cents store or Walmart and purchase it. If you really want to impress us, find out how space ships are made or self driving cars or Ipads. Be relevant, how to make a sandwich is old news, haven't you ever watched the cable show called "how it's made"? They show us how everything is made, like golf clubs, cheese cakes, box cutters, etc etc. And actually go to the factories where this stuff is made. You are doing it all on your own. Do you know how many homeless people you could have fed for $1,500.00 ? Stop wasting your time and money on dumb stuff and get a real job!!!

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