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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Parking Dispute Leaves 9 Dead, 18 Wounded and 170 Arrested in Waco Texas

This has got to be one of the biggest biker brawls in US History. A parking dispute at the Twin Peaks Bar and Grill in Waco Texas started in the bathroom and ended in the parking lot; where 9 people were killed, 18 more were wounded and 170 were arrested. Several biker gangs were at the restaurant for a meal, no one knows why they all decided to go to this restaurant at the same time. 2 men get into a dispute over parking and one follows another into the bathroom inside the restaurant. Fist start to fly then the fight is shuffled out into the parking lot where knives and bottles were thrown and then finally guns and shooting started happening. All of the 9 people that were killed were biker gang members, so no pedestrians or civilians. There were some police already at the restaurant because of the large number of bikers there but more were called in once the melee started.“In 34 years of law enforcement, this is the most violent crime scene I have ever been involved in,” Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said following a biker gang shootout that left 9 dead and 18 others wounded in the parking lot of a busy shopping center Sunday. “There is blood everywhere.”

In a press conference Monday, Swanton said that five gangs had been identified in the deadly altercation, but added that he was "not about to give them the respect of giving you their names.” While Swanton insisted that the Waco police would continue to refrain from naming the groups so as not to “give them publicity,” earlier reports on the shooting pinpointed at least two gangs at the center of the chaos: the Bandidos and the Cossacks.

The Bandidos
With up to 2,500 members across 13 countries — 900 of them in the U.S. alone — the Bandidos are considered one of the country’s largest outlaw motorcycle gangs and “a growing criminal threat” by the Department of Justice.
The Cossacks
Less is known about the Cossacks Motorcycle Club, a local Texas gangreportedly founded just three years after the Bandidos, in 1969. But early expert analyses suggest rising territory-related tensions between the two Texas groups may have been at the root of Sunday’s shootout. 
I've never heard of either gang. But just because they were unknown here in California doesn't mean they are not popular out in Texas. Clearly the police know about them. And they sure did make a name for themselves with this brawl. Because it's getting national and international press now. Sigh. Oh well, I sure hope the police and prosecutors get some good convictions off of this case. Those 9 people deserve justice,even if they were lowlife bikers.

Twin Peaks is no longer Twin Peaks, the corporate entity has revoked the Twin Peaks franchise for that location. And the Bureau of Alcohol has revoked the liquor license for the restaurant for the next 7 days. According to this Yahoo Article, the restaurant knew that 200 bikers were planning on meeting at their restaurant and the restaurant refused to assist law enforcement to maybe keep things low key and uneventful. OH WOW! How stupid of the restaurant management. They are going to lose so much money now. No liquor sales for 1 week is definitely a big chunk of change for that week. And losing your franchise license, now you have to come up with a new name and get a license for it, maybe they will lose their liquor license for good or have to reapply for it under the new name. This place is in real trouble now!!!! And it didn't have to happen this way. The smart thing to do would have been to cooperate with the police from jump street. Duh!!!

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