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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

UC Berkeley Researchers Create Pecursor to Morphine in Lab....Open Door to Homemade Heroine!!!

Awww shit, now it begins!!! Gone are the days for the need of huge Poppy fields!!! UC Berkeley researchers have been able to create a chemical process to make a precursor to making morphine using yeast. They didn't actually create the morphine, but they are just a few steps away from it. The precursor that was made is not strong enough to make hospital grade morphine, but it was a giant step in the right direction. Once they make some strong enough to make hospital grade morphine, they they will be a few steps closer to making lab created heroine without Poppys. The drug world will be turned on its ear!!! Good bye Afghani Heroine!!! Researchers are worried that when that day comes, homemade heroine will be made all over the USA. They want laws passed now to stop it. Society needs to "think this through now before it becomes a reality," said bioengineer John Dueber of the University of California, Berkeley, who led a team that discovered the final missing link of the process.Good luck with that, Congress is too worried about their bonuses, stopping Obamacare and getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar to care about what might happen in the future. So I doubt any laws will be passed to stop homemade heroine. But good luck with that. hahahaha

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