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Friday, May 22, 2015

Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Raw Tuna!!! 53 Injured So Far!!!

Okay, this is another hot ass mess. 53 people have been infected with Salmonella and it has been traced back to spicy Tuna rolls that they ate.Most of the cases — 31 — are in California, officials at the California Department of Public Health said. Other affected states include Arizona, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. Affected patients range in age from younger than one year old to 83 years old.  Okay, what the hell was a baby doing eating raw fish? That's a bad mother. Babies should NEVER eat raw animal flesh. They lack the antibodies to deal with any diseases. And raw Tuna might have a high mercury count, so again, that's not good for a baby. 
Anyway, Ten people have been hospitalized but no deaths have been reported, according to state and federal officials. The source of the outbreak is unknown, but nearly all the sick people who were questioned by health workers reported consuming sushi with raw tuna before they became ill, and most of those specifically said they ate “spicy” tuna, according to the CDC. The tuna in “spicy” tuna is usually ground before serving. If the victims had eaten cooked tuna they probably wouldn't have gotten ill. Cooking meat to it's proper temperature would probably kill the salmonella bacteria on the outside of the Tuna. Several years ago, a friend and I had been out shopping and when we got back to his place, we raided the fridge. We nuked some chicken that we found there and unfortunately for him, it had salmonella bacteria on it. He was HIV positive at the time so he ended up getting very ill. I was HIV neg at the time and so it just passed right through me. Had we heated the chicken completely the microwaves would have killed the salmonella. I think we just nuked it for a couple minutes, when we should have heated it for at least 5 mins. My friend never recovered from that salmonella infection. 
Officials say that the strain of salmonella that’s sickened people is called paratyphi B and considered to be a rare form of the food borne illness. Sounds like if the find the right piece of Tuna, they will be able to match it to the outbreak, but it's been awhile so all of Tuna has probably been consumed or thrown out by now. Actually, the salmonella might not be in the tuna, it might be in the wasabi paste that is used to make the tuna spicy! Since spicy tuna seems to be the most prevalent common factor among the 53 infected individuals. I sure hope they find out what and where it is. Godspeed people!

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