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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Shocking Salaries for Some of TV's Top Actors and Actresses!

You know I love it when Forbes and some of the magazines releases celebrity salaries. Sometimes they are shockingly high and other times they are shocking low! hahahaha But it's always fun to get a glimpse into the wallets of my favorite celebrities. hahahaha Here are some from an article on Fox Did you know that Jon Stewart from The Daily Show is making between $25 and $30 million per year? Yes he is, according to Fox and TV Guide magazine which where Fox News got its info from. hahahaha So this is all 3rd hand knowledge. hahahaha Mark Harmon is the top Drama Actor making a cool $525,000.00 per episode. His costar Michael Weatherly is only making $250,000.00 per episode. But the top guy in Comedy and probably on TV today is Ashton Cooper at $750,000.00 per episode. What a waste! I cant stand Ashton Cooper! He is not funny in my opinion. Having a salad fight in a restaurant with a 10yr old is not my idea of funny. That is just so JUVENILE , WASTEFUL and BORING! CBS has moved Two and a Half Men from it's Monday night top spot at 8pm. It now comes on Thurs at 8:30pm. I give it another year before it is cancelled. If that. hahahaha

For my reality fans, Keith Urban was only making $5million per year, wow, that's nothing compared to Mariah's $18 million or Jennifer Lopez's $16 million. Blake Shelton is only getting $4 million per season but Christina Aguilera was getting $10 million. Its kind of nice to see the reverse from society. Usually, its the man who makes more money, but in the entertainment industry. Rupaul from RuPaul's Drag Race is only making $50,000.00 per episode. And Reza Farahan from the Shahs of Sunset is only making a paltry $40,000.00 per episode on Bravo Network. Nene Leakes is now making $1 million per episode and her co-star Kenya Moore is now getting $600,000.00 per episode on Real Housewives of Atlanta.

For the Daytime and News arenas, Katie Couric is making $10 million for her syndicated talk show Katie. Which I hate this rude ass bitch! She is getting $9,999,999.00 too much in my opinion. Mat Lauer is making between $22 to $25 million for the Today Show and both Aisha Tyler and Sharon Osbourne are both making just $1 million for The Talk. Wow, now that is surprising, I would have guessed more. It's a popular show, I don't watch it, but someone is. hahahahaha I prefer Jerry Springer. hahahaha And my favorite Judge, Judge Judy is making $47 million per season for her show. Yeah! She is worth every penny and then some. I really love it when she clowns some asshole she catches lying. I don't know why these people try her, haven't they watched the show in the past? You cannot lie to Judge Judy, she will trip you up every time! Scott Pelley is only getting $5 million per season for the evening news on CBS, didn't that bitch Katie Couric get more than that when she was the evening anchor? I'm pretty sure she did. That's it for me, but there are more salaries in the article that came out in TV Guide in the issue that was released on Aug 22. Check it out if you want the full list.

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