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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tami Roman is One Manipulative Biatch!

Hey did you see this week's episode of Basketball Wives? Well once again Tami Roman showed her true colors. She is STILL one treacherous and manipulative BIATCH! Tami asks her stupid friend Suzie to lunch to talk about going over to Sasha's house for dinner and drinks. Well this was the first that she heard of the proposed get together. Sasha is the new chick on the show. So Tami brings up the fact that in Evelyn's book there was a couple she knows whose husband cheated with the Chef. And how the story broke because the husband was supposed to pay the Chef $1million in hush money but only ponied up $600,000.00 so the woman told the wife (Sasha) all about the affair. I wonder if she kept the $600,000.00? I know I would have. hahahaha So, anyway, and here is the conniving part. Tami suggests to Suzie that during the dinner, she should ask Sasha about the Chef incident. And dumbass Suzie agreed to do it! Gurl, don't let other people talk you into starting shit when they are too chickenshit to do it themselves! And then when the dinner happens, dumbass Suzie actually brought it up to Sasha! OMG! How stupid can you be? And you should have seen Tami's face! She looked the cat that swallowed the Canary! She was LOVING it! So next week we get to see the fallout from the question. I hate when they drag shit out like that. I think the whole show should have been about this incident. hahahaha I know from the trailer, later on, Suzie and Sasha get into a fight, probably over this very thing. hahahaha Drama Drama Drama!

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