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Thursday, June 18, 2015

25 Year Old Man Claims That He Received a Rat in his 3 Piece and a Biscut Meal from KFC...KFC Denies Claim!!!

OMG! I think I just threw up some in my mouth. A 25 yr old man, Devorise Dxon went to his local KFC in Los Angeles and purchased a 3 piece and a biscuit meal and one of the pieces of chicken turned out to be a rat!!! EWWWW!!! Now there are several pics of said piece of chicken in the Yahoo article and I must say it does look like a mouse/rat. There is a head section, a round body section and then a long tail coming off of the body. Oh! And there are ears on the head piece. I bet it tastes delicious, it was breaded and cooked like the chicken. However, Dixon claims he bite into it and it tasted rubbery to him. He then claimed to have taken it back to the KFC restaurant where he'd purchased it. The manager told Dixon the fried lump was a rat, apologized and offered him a free meal, Dixon told a local radio show, the Randy Economy Show, June 13.  That's not what the Survivor contestants say, they always say rat tastes like chicken to them. LOL Anyway, KFC claims that they tried to talk to Dixon but he refused to take their calls or return calls to them So now, they think Dixon is perpetrating a hoax on them.

"A customer has made a serious claim against KFC and refuses to cooperate in the investigation," KFC said in a statement sent to The Huffington Post. "Based on this, and the fact that he refuses to allow anyone to see the product, we are left to believe that he intended to deceive the public with this hoax and we are considering all options." Wow, if he really got what is in the pic from a KFC, it makes me really scared to go there now. How could they coat a rat in their 7 herbs and spices and breading and the cook it up like a piece of chicken. Eww, that's just nasty. The breading is now contaminated and so is the oil. Yuck!!! I was planning on going to KFC on Friday because I wanted to try their $5.00 fillup box, you get 3 chicken tenders, mashed potatoes and gravy, a biscuit, a cookie and a drink for just $5.00. But I dont want any rat in my meal, thank you very much. LOL

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