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Friday, June 12, 2015

Moving to Mars Could Create A Whole New Breed of People!!! Say What Now?

Well, I highly doubt this will ever be the case. But scientists think that if we colonize Mars, a new species will form because of the conditions on the red planet. Well, come on now, let's get real. Every once in a while they have a news story about NASA looking for people who want to move to Mars. Look they cant even land a rover on the red planet consistently, how in the hell are they going to land a space ship on Mars? I don't see it happening. Stop dreaming! Because that's is just what our NASA scientist are doing. I don't even believe that back in the 1960s that we landed guys on the moon. I think that was all staged in some sound stage somewhere. hahahaha It's been more than 50 years since that happened and why haven't we gone back? Where is our Moon colony? I used to love watching Space 1999 on TV. It was about the colonization of the moon. They had buildings, jeeps, etc etc. And here it is 2015, do we have any of that now? HELL NO! Why? I want to know why!!! Damnit!!! hahahaha Because it was all fake!!!

Chris Impey, an astronomy professor at the University of Arizona, pointed out the potential of a particularly radical consequence during an interview with "Fresh Air" host Terry Gross.
Humans that leave the familiarity of Earth could morph into a separate species.
"These people will become an offshoot of the human tree," Impey said in the interview. "They will probably evolve into something else." Okay, whatever dude, you are just dreaming. hahahaha There, I said it. hahahaha

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